Author Archives: catherine sverko

26 years and counting

Hi Everyone,

I have to say until the MET program I was a very non-techy person. I did not naturally gravitate towards technology and spent most of my career doing what I always did.

Suddenly I realized I needed to change how I ran my classroom and my teaching strategies. I explored options and interests and luckily found MET. The program has invigorated my teaching, planning and learning. It was the catalyst I needed to be excited again.

The courses I have taken and the other students I have met and worked with have taken me on a journey beyond my wildest dreams. Who knew I would become the person obsessed with digital story telling, social media in the classroom and most importantly makerspaces.

The project I am currently most proud of was the creation of the website with Trish Roffey and Janelle Therien. I am excited to add new content and update with blogs (although not as regularly as I  would like). MET has been a game changer for me and I look forward to this course with eager anticipation.



Greetings from Niagara ….this is it

Hi everyone! I was so excited to see familiar names on the introductory blog. I am Catherine Sverko. This is my tenth and final MET course, although I wish we could take every elective, as I have learned so much in each course.

I am currently in my twenty sixth year of teaching. I have specialized in grades five through eight, as well as, special education. I am con currently working on my advanced behaviour analysis certificate which deals specifically with children and adults on the autism spectrum.

I am the mother of two fantastic girls, Katlynn who will graduate from Ryerson University in the spring with a degree in Creative Industries and New Media. LeeAnn is in her third year at Queen’s University in Psychology and Health Studies with an interest in marketing.  My husband Ed left yesterday for a four month stint teaching and researching at the Harbin Institute of Technology in Northern China. That leaves me home with our two labradoodles.

I have an honours degree in Kinesiology as well as my Bachelor of Education Degree. I apologize for no pictures but at the moment I am forced to use my phone/iPad to post this as our internet at home is fritzing out constantly.

I look forward to working with all of you and I am crossing my fingers that my Internet is fixed soon or I may end up living at a starbucks this term.
