Financial Aid and Tuition

Posted by: | March 9, 2008 | 2 Comments

I have been meaning to post about this for quite some time now, being heavily subsidized by a european government to study one of the most expensive programs in a college (medical) for a registration fee (covering a half year buspass as well as heavily discounted warm lunches) of 200 Euros (300 CAD) a semester. […]

Transit: Kevin Falcon speaks

Posted by: | March 6, 2008 | 2 Comments

A few months ago, BC Transportation minister Kevin Falcon announced a 14-billion dollar transit bonanza for B.C. The announcement made front page news in a both national newspapers, and rightly so. It is rarely in Canada that we see such long-term investment in long-term infrastructure. The money will see five new rapid transit lines being […]

Vancouver Quadra by-election rush

Posted by: | February 23, 2008 | 11 Comments

UBC’s federal electoral riding, Vancouver Quadra, is having a by-election on March 17th. And if you live on campus, you can vote in it. (Click the image to enlarge) Quadra is one of the wealthiest and best educated ridings in the country. It contains most of Vancouver’s West side, including UBC. This by-election race has […]

Now for something a little more controversial. Somebody who I work fairly close with recently questioned my leftist politics. That’s fair – I feel quite comfortable in the bureaucracy of the AMS, and I feel quite comfortable trying to balance the 42 000 different opinions of AMS members, and I even support many CASA policies. […]

Peter over at the Cavalier (click) has this story. In short, the province is funding an expansion of the sky train to UBC by the year 2020 as part of a 14 biollion dollar transit bonanza announced for the province today. From the press release: UBC welcomes the provincial government announcement today of a $14 […]

There’s been a few new posts recently. Don’t forget to scroll down. What makes for great lobbying? What gets you in the news? Why do student governments agonize and student lobbies button up, while a comparatively small group rockets into national media coverage and affects actual national party policy? The lively example of the nascent […]

Student loan administrators have turned into activists! This article from this morning’s Globe and Mail. More need-based student aid urgedUniversal programs outpacing funding for those who need help, says a study by financial aid administratorsELIZABETH CHURCHFrom Monday’s Globe and MailAugust 27, 2007 at 4:37 AM EDT An increasing proportion of financial aid for postsecondary education […]

Junk food junked?

Posted by: | August 1, 2007 | 27 Comments

by student BoG rep Darren Peets About a month ago, UBC was informed of a new provincial policy on the sale of food and drinks from vending machines. In essence, this policy expands the junk food restrictions already in place in schools to all hospitals, universities, colleges, Crown Agencies, provincial government buildings, and so on. […]

Isn’t it ironic that the University is now the the valiant protector of parkland in the face of development and the Musqueam are the rabid private interest group? From today’s Globe and Mail: Gary MasonJune 14, 2007VANCOUVER — One of the most prime pieces of real estate in the country, home to one of the […]

Amanda Reaume, editor of Antigone Magazine: this is what a feminist looks like

Posted by: | May 17, 2007 | Comments Off on Amanda Reaume, editor of Antigone Magazine: this is what a feminist looks like

Earlier this week, I sat down with Amanda Reaume, founding editor of WILLA’s Antigone Magazine to talk about feminism and women in politics. Please note that none of Ms. Reaume’s responses are direct quotes – they are all paraphrases. Tell us about yourself. Who are you, what do you do? I just graduated, form English […]

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