The Law Games is the largest national law student event held in Canada. Each year, law students gather at a host law school to participate in a variety of events, including: academic and athletic competitions, a talent show, a moot, trivia competitions, formal receptions, and social challenges. Over 600 law students from more than 12 different law schools across the country participate with the hopes of winning the coveted Law Games Trophy and Spirit Cup. The Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia is a historical powerhouse and we highly value representing our school with professionalism, collegiality, and a whole lot of school spirit! Allard won the Spirit cup at the 2019 law games, and remains one of the most beloved teams among the champions of the Games, a reputation that we are committed to upholding!
In this multi-day event, you will be challenged mentally and physically while the limits of your comfort zone get put to the test. In the face of 600+ other law students, you and your teammates will experience times of exhaustion and complacency, but all of that is quickly forgotten once you begin to experience the overwhelming support from the community. Not only will you get to meet some of the most talented law students from across the nation, you will get to network and become life-long friends with aspiring legal practitioners in all areas of law.
The UBC Allard Law Games team invites you to the 2020 Law Games hosted by the University of Montreal. Your co-captains will be hosting an info-session in fall, so keep an eye out for their posts to come in the class of 2022 facebook group.