Hello 1Ls,
My name is Saška and I just finished my 1L. I am so excited to welcome you all to Allard Law.
I have many thoughts and stories about 1st year, but will share some of those that were most unexpected.
First of all, I can tell you that a few weeks ago my law school friends and I went through hell and back. But don’t worry, this was just our little Dungeons and Dragons group going on a mission to save a town from a chain wielding demon. Yes, law school can be stressful, but there is also a lot of life and community (particularly of the nerdy kind)!
What excited me the most about going to Allard was the many practical opportunities to get involved with numerous student clubs, legal organizations, and clinics. For me, this meant involvement with the Environmental Law Club and the Outlaws, but the range of opportunities is very broad, plus there is support if you want to create something yourself.
I also truly appreciated all the support I got from other students and staff. Everyone was very friendly and available to help out. You will hear this a lot and it really is true. The legal buddies, tutors, the student wellbeing counsellor, and academic and career services staff are just a few resources that I’ve used and felt that they genuinely cared about my wellbeing and success in law school.
All that said, first year goes very fast and sometimes it can get very busy – don’t forget to take a break! Try something new. And don’t worry if you don’t really know what you want to do and what kind of law you want to practice. You will get there, it’s part of the process.
Now that we’re into first year summer, those in my class have been working at LSLAP or other jobs, some related to their legal studies and others not. For my part, I’ve been volunteering for a foundation that assists LGBTQ+ refugees and newcomers, taking a summer class, and travelling. I am still testing things out myself and look forward to getting a lot of practical experience in the fall with the Indigenous Community Legal Clinic.
Oh and my best piece of advice for first years: sign up for a chair massage just before the finals!