Robert Russo

I attended UBC for my B.A. in Political Science, as well as my J.D., LLM and Phd (Law).


I started as an Adjunct Professor in 2016-17, and joined the Faculty full-time in August 2018.


What courses will you be teaching at Allard in 2019-2020?

LAW 251 – Legal Research & Writing LAW 509 – Administrative Law Law 588 – Ethics & Professionalism


Labour & Employment Law, Immigration Law, International Law, Indigenous Law, Human Rights Law,




Reference Re: Secession of Quebec, [1998] 2 SCR 217 The Supreme Court of Canada was given a very difficult, some would say almost hopeless, task by the federal government to define the limits of important rights relating to self-determination and nationhood. Many argued this is essentially a political question. The decision was not perfect by any means but the Court managed to produce a legal ruling that didn’t alienate the federal government or Quebec. This case has been cited in international law as a model for governments grappling with the issue of secession and legal boundaries of self-determination under law.


Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (the book)


What’s a UBC campus hidden gem that more people should know about?

The Botanical Gardens. I’m not sure if it qualifies as a hidden gem, but every student at UBC should visit it at least once.