Author Archives: Brian

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...

On the certainty of uncertainty…

In the run-up to the conference here in Orlando, I made a few bad jokes about the wisdom of heading to Florida during hurricane season. I was assured that the season had passed (that wasn’t my understanding, but what do … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 4 Comments

CogDogBlog 2.0 Specs Released

OK, I’m admittedly biased, and inclined to see just about everything Mr. Levine does as worthy of praise. But this is funny. And welcome. Whither hype in the face of sarcasm? Only the credulous know for certain.

Posted in Abject Learning | 1 Comment

Quickie cry for help…

After one of the more unpleasant travel days I’ve experienced, I’m here in Orlando (more on that later), but have been hampered considerably by a lack of internet connectivity at my hotel (and at the hotel of my co-presenters). I … Continue reading

Posted in Administrivia | 8 Comments

Duopoly is like, so Web 1.0

There’s only a Technorati breeze blowing right now, but I suspect it will be a gale soon enough — Blackboard has acquired WebCT (they call it a merger, you decide). I can’t say I have much to add to the … Continue reading

Tagged | 11 Comments

My big fat lousy screencast — Beyond the Blog

Since I had promised a truly absurd amount of content to a wide array of worthy organizations, I had no choice but to add another commitment — preferably one for which I needed to learn a new medium and a … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 14 Comments

A musing with a big hole in the middle of it…

For some time, I’ve wondered just how comprehensive that changes in the way that we receive, handle, publish, assess and archive information will be, in terms of the future of universities. Stephen Downes, among others, sometimes seems to suggest that … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 4 Comments

Live Synchronous Editing

For some time, I’ve been pining for a cross-platform version of SubEthaEdit. MoonEdit did not seem to catch fire, but recently a few new services like JotSpot Live and Writely have popped up. Now, what Roland describes as an “open … Continue reading

Posted in Textuality | 3 Comments

Powerful omens, and your daily dose of illegal art…

How to ameliorate the back-from-conference-blues: a) spend the night the conference ends holed up in your hotel room, catching up on four days of piled-up email and writing stupid weblog posts to blow off steam. b) on return, spend a … Continue reading

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Open Education Wrap-up

As usual I was MIA as a conference weblogger, and already I feel compelled to turn my attention to the mounting piles of tasks spilling over all over my desktop. So please forgive the mess — it’s late, I’m torn … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 4 Comments

Value from hysterics

When I woke up Thursday morning, I thought about editing or even deleting my ‘bum steer’ post… not because my feelings had changed, but because I recognised my tone was too raw, and that in my rush to post I … Continue reading

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