Author Archives: Brian

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...

Northern Voice is Rolling

The gig is up… the spaces are set, registration is full, the wi-fi works, the keynote speakers are kicking ass, my t-shirt fits… I’m not much of a conference blogger. Judging by the amount of keyboard wrestling and digicam snapping … Continue reading

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Abject Broadcasting via the Canadian Mothership

Earlier today I was asked to appear on tomorrow’s broadcast of CBC Vancouver’s The Early Edition to talk about the Northern Voice weblog conference. Thankfully, it won’t all be up to me — Darren Barefoot will also be in the … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 6 Comments

The Blogger as Citizen Journalist

One of the cooler and more intimidating elements of the upcoming Northern Voice weblog conference is that being slated to moderate a panel on “The Blogger as Citizen Journalist.” It’s a notion that has dominated much of the discourse around … Continue reading

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Roads are for hockey…

Those of you who responded to my last not-quite-cryptic references in my last posting were correct… as of last Friday it appears that my family are now home debtors. We move at the end of May. I never knew that … Continue reading

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A good day…

It’s already been blogged by <a title=”‘Arcy Norman Dot Net

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“Freeform in Feed Form”

Anyone who has had the misfortune of talking music or popular culture with me the past few years has undoubtedly been subjected to my WFMU rant… This legendary freeform radio station, which I remember reading about with yearning growing up … Continue reading

Posted in Webloggia | 1 Comment

“We are now experiencing technical difficulties” or, “Echo Echo Echo!!”

Yesterday I did my near-standard-but-never-smooth weblog and wiki song, dance and fire-eating routine for the BCCampus Online Community. The event was to be delivered via Breeze Live, a nifty but new technology to me. The prospect of severe meltdown was … Continue reading

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Consider the day’s events: The Register posts an interview with a link spammer, regaling us with tales of the big money to be made pushing PPC (pills, porn, casinos), the many technical advantages spammers enjoy, and their near-limitless prospects for … Continue reading

Posted in Emergence | 1 Comment

I said I’d blog but I lied

Whoa Nellie… I keep saying I’m going to slow things down, that time taken out of the hurly-burly for reflection can only improve my performance… but I seem incapable of extricating myself from the day-to-day. I had hoped to write … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 4 Comments

Wiki Waky Woo on Bourbon Street

I’m a lucky, dirty dog. The fabulous city of New Orleans (think Montreal crossed with Sodom and Gomorrah — but with way better food and music) for this year’s NLII Annual Meeting. I just gave my presentation — a fairly … Continue reading

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