Author Archives: Brian

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...

Please don’t watch this space…

This weblog has been quiet because a good friend of mine died suddenly last week. It’s been an intense few days, and I might share some of hard lessons I have learned through this miserable experience, but this is not … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 8 Comments

Mark your calendars for December 10

It was my privilege to meet and talk with Ulises Mejias a few months back. He possesses one of the sharpest minds in the field, and brings a lot of unique perspectives to a broad range of issues that are … Continue reading

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We now interrupt this weblog’s regularly scheduled ranting…

… for a bit of ego-tripping. I was surprised to see that this page somehow made the cut as a finalist for the 2004 Weblog Awards in the category of “Best Canadian Blog”. I was bit conflicted about whether I … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 2 Comments

Spammity, spam, wonderful spam…

I’ve been advised not to blog about spam lest I make myself a target, but I cannot sit idly and will not operate in fear of scum who feel they have some internet granted right to blast their gunk on … Continue reading

Posted in wikis | 3 Comments

Six walk in…

Today is an intense, all-day planning meeting for the Northern Voice weblog conference. Before we leave this room, we will have chosen our list of speakers and panelists (from an awe-inspiring list) and hammered out a schedule. Too bad the … Continue reading

Posted in Webloggia | 1 Comment

Personal information processing, and I’m looking into golf shirts…

A couple thoughts occurred to me as I read this piece in Wired about the decline of the newspaper as a branded source of news: From the perspective of publishers, the 18- to 34-year-old demographic is highly prized by advertisers … Continue reading

Posted in Textuality | 2 Comments

Adventures in WikiCasting: Fast, Free, and Out of Control

Having been prepared for the likelihood that I had made royal ass of myself, I’m more than a bit relieved that so far the response to WikiRadio has been positive. James Farmer, Stephen Downes, and Scott Leslie each noted that … Continue reading

Posted in wikis | 6 Comments

WikiRadio now begins its broadcast day…

This is not DJ Edit, but he plays him on WikiRadio A couple weeks back I described my audio production learning curve while developing an online presentation for the NMC Conference on Social Computing. The conference having been a roaring … Continue reading

Posted in wikis | 2 Comments

The Grey Video Mashup

First came the Grey Album, a monumental mashup of The Beatles White Album with Jay-Zee’s Black Album by DJ Danger Mouse. Today a mashup video simply entitled The Grey Video is making the rounds. This one might not be available … Continue reading

Tagged | 1 Comment

WCET/Edutools LOR Comparative Research Released

Some months back Scott Leslie invited me to pitch in on a Learning Object Repository comparison study he was putting together for the Western Cooperative on Educational Telecommunications (WCET) and Edutools. I had never done anything quite like it before, … Continue reading

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