Author Archives: Brian

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...


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Weblogs: Beyond the Hype

I’m writing a short introductory piece on weblogs for a general UBC audience, and as usual I find it nearly impossible to cover all the pertinent material in a short space, without descending into jargon. I also harbour the not-exactly-hidden … Continue reading

Posted in Webloggia | 2 Comments

The Dog is angry…

…and who am I to argue. Cogdogblog is on the warpath about… well, why don’t I just quote from the posting: Spam is a reality, some 40% of email traffic. But there is absolutely no reason for the email scanning … Continue reading

Posted in tech/tools/standards | 2 Comments

(Weblogs and) The Mass Amateurisation of (Nearly) Everything…

Tom Coates of Plastic Bag, with a piece that contextualizes weblogs within a broader set of developments … suggesting that the real effect is that users have a new power to create, manipulate and distribute media: Technically, weblogs are trivial … Continue reading

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“The commodification of human socialization…”

… is the apt phrase used by Scott to describe vaguely creepy articles like this one.

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Gotta try this!

Creating an MT-Powered Photo Album If you have not already noticed, the Photography section at has been completely rebuilt. So, what’s the catch? I’ve used nothing but MovableType to manage and update the entire thing. After reading “Beyond the … Continue reading

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New wiki location, and a cry for help…

I’ve been playing at reestablishing wikis using our spankin’ new server we bought for our instance of CAREO, and set up a new location with the beginnings of a stylesheet. Still very much a work in progress, though I’m hopeful … Continue reading

Posted in wikis | 4 Comments

My latest piece of the blog rock…

This must be about the tenth weblog I’ve started up. This one is intended to be something of a hub for weblog support and promotion at UBC.

Posted in News | 1 Comment

All over for blogs?

It seemed to me that the number of useless postings and blog entries was starting to increase and there was less and less there that was really of interest. This could be the sign of a worrying phenomenon. Perhaps the … Continue reading

Posted in Webloggia | 3 Comments

Finally, someone sees the real me…

Just was alerted to this comment, from “”. It’s worth quoting in its entirety: you suck It was quite a controversial post, so I can understand the depths of this reader’s fury. Feedback is always appreciated.

Posted in Webloggia | 1 Comment