Author Archives: Brian

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...

MERLOT presentation — the gory aftermath

We just gave our dog and pony show on RSS at the MERLOT conference. Previously, I had always tacked on a five minute spiel on weblogs and RSS to the end of “learning object” talks (and always sensed the most … Continue reading

Posted in XML/RSS | 2 Comments

Object Learning finally pulls its weight at MERLOT

I’m feeling guilty about how hard all the other bloggers here are working, so I thought I would try to post on this presentation on MERLOT’s new federated search technology… even though Alan is sitting next to me, probably doing … Continue reading

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‘QTI Ready’ almost ready

File this for future reference: Adding to the growing pile of IMS QTI compliant software is a new server side plug-in: QTI Ready. Following the emerging trend of supplying applications that are meant to do only one thing, and do … Continue reading

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Riot at the Hyatt, or MERLOT madness…

Day One: I’m nearing the end of the first full day of the conference, and have managed so far to attend two whole sessions (and I was late for them). The barrier is not that the topics don’t seem interesting, … Continue reading

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BEER! (Or MERLOT, pick your poison)

There are a few webloggers attending the MERLOT conference that I haven’t met before… I’d love to be able to put some faces to the people I’ve been reading. Wanna go for a beer? (Coffee is an acceptable non-alcoholic alternative, … Continue reading

Posted in Webloggia | 5 Comments

RSS: A Love Story

I’ve been asked to write an introduction to RSS, in less than 600 words, for a general audience. It’s been an interesting exercise. My current working draft: RSS: A Love Story I’m no techie, so I guess I thought I’d … Continue reading

Posted in XML/RSS | 1 Comment

Gulping Goblets of MERLOT

Things are cranking up for this week’s MERLOT conference. My own travel arrangements are simple, given that the conference is being held here in Vancouver. In fact, the commute will be shorter this week. It’s my privilege to be co-presenting … Continue reading

Posted in Administrivia, Emergence, Webloggia, XML/RSS | Tagged | 3 Comments

The Eureka Moment

Welcome to those of you who’ve arrived here via a link from Paul Stacey’s latest column. Most of us with an interest in weblogs, RSS and nearby environs have experienced a “Eureka moment” (or several) similar to what Stacey describes: … Continue reading

Posted in Webloggia | 1 Comment

More on blogs and wikis…

A few webloggers noticed this quite fine comparison between blogs and wikis from that course I linked to below. A few selections from the complete document: blog * personal, less collaborative. * a posting is owned by poster * tends … Continue reading

Posted in wikis | 2 Comments

Blogs and wikis in a university writing course…

“Because new tools create new ways of understanding” Intriguing online writing course using weblogs and wikis from Minnesota’s Bemidji State University. The way it’s structured looks especially smart. Via EdTechPost

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