Tag Archives: conferences

STLHE 2024

A happy update… We won the SoTL Canada Poster Award for this work! Many thanks to the adjudicators at SoTL Canada, as well as to UBC’s Institute for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL Seed Fund), and the UBC Office of the Provost and VP Academic (SoTL Dissemination Fund) for supporting this work. 

I’ll be presenting the following poster at the STLHE 2024 conference.

How can a Longstanding Norm-Referenced Grading Policy Impact Teaching and Learning? Leveraging Qualitative Research for Culture Change in a Quantitative Department

Authors: Catherine D. Rawn (Psychology), Martin Dammert (Dept of Human Development, Learning, & Culture), & Jeanie Woo (Cognitive Systems Program)

STLHE 2024 Poster Rawn Dammert Woo (pdf)


Grading student work is required at most universities. Literature has promoted criterion-referenced approaches for decades. Recent innovations in ungrading have centred student self-evaluation based on criteria. Yet norm-referenced grading approaches can persist in some departmental microcultures experiencing pressures of large, under-resourced, multi-section courses, and concerns about preventing grade inflation (c.f., Schinske & Tanner, 2014). Efforts promoting equity, inclusion, and Indigeneity create an imperative to question the use of norm-referenced approaches, even under these pressures (Hogan & Sathy, 2022). How do members of a large quantitative psychology department perceive a longstanding norm-referenced grading policy, and its impact on their teaching and learning?

This poster invites viewers to choose any of three ways to engage with this topic: SoTL, Educational Leadership, or professional growth. 1) The first column summarizes a mixed-methods study designed to answer the question above. Qualitative interview data, analyzed collaboratively using Reflexive Thematic Analysis, highlighted positive and negative lived experiences of faculty, graduate Teaching Assistants, and undergraduates in relation to this policy, offering a clear a mandate for reform.  2) The second column outlines the ongoing process of departmental change, as informed by scholarship on departmental teaching cultures (Roxå & Mårtensson, 2015) and Students as Partners (Felten et al., 2019). The goal of this change is to create a policy where, in theory, for every student can succeed—while facilitating high standards, cross-section equity, and support for course instructors under limited resources. 3) The third column highlights the process of personal and professional development experienced by the lead author, including epistemological growth. Aligning with scholarly analysis of SoTL as boundary crossing transformation (Kensington-Miller et al., 2021), engaging in this project changed this quantitative psychologist’s perspective on her own discipline. Viewers are invited to steer our conversation to learn about this grading policy research, department change, and/or growth.


Kensington-Miller, B., Webb, A. S., Gansemer-Topf, A., Lewis, H., Luu, J., Maheux-Pelletier, G., & Hofmann, A. K. (2021). Brokering boundary crossings through the SoTL landscape of practice.Teaching & Learning Inquiry, 9(1), 365-380. Retrieved from https://www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/brokering-boundary-crossings-through-sotl/docview/2538450692/se-2

Roxå, T., & Mårtensson, K. (2015). Microcultures and informal learning: A heuristic guiding analysis of conditions for informal learning in local higher education workplaces. International Journal for Academic Development, 20, 193-205. DOI: 10.1080/1360144X.2015.1029929

Schinske, J., & Tanner, K. (2014). Teaching more by grading less (or differently). CBE—Life Sciences Education, 13, 159-166. DOI: 10.1187/cbe.cbe-14-03-0054

See also

Lok, B., McNaught, C., & Young, K. (2016). Criterion-referenced and norm-referenced assessments: Compatibility and complementarity. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 41, 450-465. DOI: 10.1080/02602938.2015.1022136

Felten, P., Abbot, S., Kirkwood, J., Long, A., Lubicz-Nawrocka, T., Mercer-Mapstone, L., & Verwoord, R. (2019). Reimagining the place of students in academic development. International Journal for Academic Development, 24, 192-203. DOI: 10.1080/1360144X.2019.1594235

Hogan, K.A., & Sathy, V. (2022). Inclusive TeachingStrategies for Promoting Equity in the College Classroom. Morgantown: West Virginia University Press.

Southwest Florida Symposium on Teaching and Learning

A huge thank you to Bill, Jackie, and everyone at Florida Gulf Coast University and Florida SouthWestern State College for inviting me to open your Symposium, and thanks to all in attendance for playing along!

As promised, here are my slides from this morning: Rawn Two-Stage Exams Florida January 2020 to share and an electronic copy of the handout: Rawn Two-Stage Exams demo handout (Florida January 2020)

I’m happy to continue conversations throughout the day and/or over email cdrawn [at] psych.ubc.ca

Presenting on Two-Stage Exams at the IUT Conference

I’m delighted to have presented today at the Improving University Teaching Conference in Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany (www.iutconference.com).  The title of my talk was “Time for a Test! Two-Stage Tests enhance learning and bring laughter in classes of any size” Here’s a copy of my slides: Rawn Two-Stage Exams IUT July 2019 to post. Here is the handout: Rawn Two-Stage Exams IUT July 2019 demo handout. Thanks to everyone who came and played along!

Also, here is the blog post I wrote 5 years ago (including resources, video, and rationale) when I took the plunge into this testing technique.

Presenting on Two-Stage Tests at the STLHE Conference

I’m delighted to be presenting on Friday morning at the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education’s Annual Conference in Winnipeg, Manitoba (stlhe2019sapes.ca). The title of my talk is “Time for a Test! Two-Stage Tests enhance learning and bring laughter in classes of any size… and at STLHE?” Here’s a copy of my slides: Rawn Two-Stage Exams STLHE June 2019 to post v1. Here is the handout: Rawn Two-Stage Exams STLHE June 2019 demo handout

And here is the blog post I wrote 5 years ago (including resources and rationale) when I took the plunge into this testing technique.

Are you here at STLHE? The talk is 10:05-11:20am, Friday June 14, Room MR3. Are you *not* here at STLHE? Check out the action on Twitter!  #STLHE2019SAPES

STLHE Handout


Hope to see you at our STLHE conference presentation today: “Contributions and experiences of teaching focused faculty in Canada: Results from a national survey” (CON1.11a at 11:10am in McCain 2116, Dalhousie University). Here’s our handout:

STLHE 2017 Conference Handout Rawn Fox (Final)

Tweet us your questions! @cdrawn @joannealisonfox #stlhe17 #con111a

Our Abstract…

CON1.11a – Contributions and Experiences of Teaching Focused Faculty in Canada: Results from a National Survey

Many Canadian institutions are implementing faculty positions that specialize in teaching, yet little scholarly understanding of these positions exists. We conducted the first national survey of Teaching Focused Faculty (TFF). Launched during STLHE 2015, we surveyed 251 TFF working in 18 institutions across seven Canadian provinces, representing a variety of disciplines and experience. TFF regularly engage in diverse scholarly activities spanning teaching, service, leadership, pedagogical and disciplinary research, and professional development. TFF value their positions more to the extent that they feel integrated as part of departmental and institutional cultures, feel fairly compensated, have clarity regarding promotion and tenure expectations, and participate in mentorship regarding teaching careers. We recommend that institutions continue to cultivate permanent TFF positions to offer positive career paths for people who contribute productively to the educational mission of universities. We offer best practice recommendations for institutions and departments.