Many ways in which New Yorkers say “Merry Christmas” or its equivalent. (LOC)
Many ways in which New Yorkers say “Merry Christmas” or its equivalent. (LOC), originally uploaded by The Library of Congress.
I have selected this image because words, or to be more exact the actual mechanics of the process of writing, fascinate me. I am also interested in translations of a text into different languages and how the original message changes or remains the same depending on the cultural variations in what words we use.
My name is Svetlana Gibson and I teach grade 5 in an inner city school in Coquitlam. My attention was captured by this course because I teach with laptops. Students in my class show remarkable improvements in their writing and reading when using the computers to demonstrate their learning. I am currently at home with an eight month old baby and her four year old big sister.
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