Map mash up
Already I’m seeing some great products of the Rip.Mix.Feed activity. For mine, I thought I would use a more unexpected tool – Google Maps – in order to create a visual representation. Using the information that was stored in the “Introduction” category of our Community Weblog, I compiled information about where all members of this class (both sections) live and/or work and plotted the names on a Google map. I apologize that some of you are missing – I couldn’t find your information in your introductory post. While this is a simple representation, I think it fits within the overall spirit of the program by showing how the logistics of time and space clearly do not impede on our ability to learn together. Enjoy – the map is public so feel free to make an additions/corrections!
View Rip.Mix.Feed in a larger map
1 Catherine Gagnon { 11.14.09 at 2:26 pm }
Oh Rachel, that is the best idea!! How fun! I just spent 10 minutes trying to find everyone. I didn’t find Dilip though. I think he’s supposed to be in Oaxaca Mexico too.
I hope we will be encouraged to keep in touch after this course is done as a result of seeing how close we really are. Only a world away, eh?
2 Ashley Jones { 11.14.09 at 5:35 pm }
Great idea Rachel!
3 Kathleen Cavanagh { 11.16.09 at 9:36 am }
How do I add myself? thanks for your help, and great idea
4 Sarah Wood { 11.16.09 at 9:43 pm }
I was like a kid in the candy store – do I zoom in or out first??? Very exciting and great work Rachel!
5 Rachel Bronk { 11.17.09 at 7:50 am }
Thanks for the feedback everyone! I love Google Maps! Kathleen – I just set the map profile to “open collaboration” so you should be able to click on the link and press “edit” and then add yourself.
6 Deb Giesbrecht { 11.18.09 at 2:43 pm }
Great map Rachel!
7 Diddly { 11.18.09 at 6:26 pm }
Hi Rachel, what a great idea. I have much more feel for our little virtual community. (and I am there on the map too!)
8 Maureen Coyne { 11.23.09 at 6:41 pm }
What an original idea! Thanks Rachel!
9 Bev { 12.04.09 at 9:49 pm }
Great job Rachel: It is so cool to see where we all are. I love google.maps
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