Language (Text) Barrier?

Language Barrier, originally uploaded by Xiangdian.
Though many countries have access to the printed word, be it through the local library, bookstore, or the Internet, there are places where text is censored. I typed into the search engine the words “language barrier” with images already in mind, however when I came across this image, I was immediately taken in another direction. I realized that even though technology is helping to establish dialogue in a greater worldwide community, there is still some censorship. This also made me think about personal experiences where I was traveling that made me crave the written word, albeit a newspaper or a trashy novel. It made me feel connected somehow. This photo reminded me that many are not connected.
This then made me think about the benefits of technology for those in other countries, those with lower literacy levels, etc., but I’ll spare you my meandering thoughts–this is merely an introduction!
I’m Kelly Kerrigan and this is my sixth/seventh course in the MET program. I’m currently taking 512 this semester as well. As an elementary school teacher in the Vancouver area, I am fascinated by the changing role that technology brings to text, to the classroom, and finally to my students.
This looks to be an exciting course! Looking forward to working with you all.
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