Technological Simplicity?
Morgendämmerung, originally uploaded by hailewelt.
Hello, my name is Stephanie Hopkins (I was Prizeman last semester), and this semester I am taking my 5th and 6th MET courses. I am from Victoria, BC, but now call Port Alberni home. I teach grade 7 and 8, I am married with one child, and I am afraid of airplanes.
I chose this image not only for its “frightening” beauty, but also the thoughts and feelings it evoked for me. The idea of air travel and aircraft in general is a mind-boggling and frightening thought to me, but is also one of the most important (for both positive and negative reasons) technologies in our history as humans.
As various technologies propel humankind into the future, I worry about the effects that these new and improve technologies wil have on us. The simple beauty of the sunset and landscape in the photo is a reminder of where we have come from, and what we have to lose if we are not careful.
The juxtaposition of the two ideas in this photograph compels me to think about the future and what my feelings are on where we are going as humans. I am far from a technophobe, in fact, like others on this forum, I too cannot seem to function without my email with me at all times, but I am becoming increasingly aware that if I do not have balance of chaos and simplicity in my life, then I will create problems for myself and my family.
Food for thought, anyway!
Stephanie (Prizeman) Hopkins
1 comment
1 Kathleen Cavanagh { 09.13.09 at 8:06 pm }
This is interesting Stephanie, thanks for sharing. My son and I had a very interesting conversation about his school friends. He says the group is dividing up since some like him and his 5 best friends do not do the texting and cell phones, and the others are in his opinion, substituting social contact with this sort of communication and he finds them socially awkward and shy. I found his ideas very interesting and much along your creeping concerns about technology, thanks,
P.S. I trained to be a pilot up until the lesson where you turn the aircraft off and are supposed to restart it as you plummet towards mother earth….there is a line…well, that crossed it. I am not a bird…
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