Text is away of expressing information. I view the ability to express yourself and share those expressions with others to be of great importance. Expressions can be in the form of ideas, concerns, issues with social status, or simple musings. I chose to include a few lyrics from an N.W.A. song because they represent a movement in American society in which an underprivileged and racial discriminated group used the power of text translated to music to express their opinion on contemporary society. You can watch the video, on youtube, which adds images to enhance the text here. Sorry no Embedding possible….

I’m expressin’ with my full capabilities,
And now I’m livin’ in correctional facilities,
Cause some don’t agree with how I do this.
I get straight, meditate like a Buddhist
I’m droppin’ flava, my behaviour is heriditery,
But my technique is very necessary.
Blame it on Ice Cube… Because he says it gets funky
When you got a subject and a predacit.
Add it on a dope beat
And that’ll make you think.
Express Yourself…
Express Yourself…
Come on and do it…
N.W.A. Retrieved from www.nwaworld.com
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