Miss Roussel? Yes, Johnny. What’s that?

Do my current grade 8 and 9 students know what a typewriter is/was? Have they ever seen one? Will they ever see a working one in their lifetime? Will my future students see this image in real life one day (perhaps on a field trip) and ask me, “Miss Roussel, what’s that?” It is amazing to think that just as I never saw a working LP disc on a turn table played with a needle and through a gramophone speaker, my future students will probably never see the original machine on which the ‘typing keyboard’ started – even though it is what their fingertips spend so much time tapping away on.

My name is Charmaine Roussel. I live in Vancouver, BC and I work at Little Flower Academy. I teach 192 beautiful gr. 8 and 9 girls at an all girls catholic school in Vancouver (near downtown). I am the Teacher of Religious Studies. I love my job. This is my second year at this school. I taught P.E. for two years at another catholic elementary school.

I have just started my graduate degree. This is my FIRST MET course. I am also being very “adventurous” (a.k.a – too smart for my own good) and taking ETEC 540 as well. Even though they are electives, I know both courses will be a lot of work along side regular full-time work. BUT, I’m up for the challenge.

When I am not working I enjoy working out, travelling the world (visited 10 countries this past summer), and spending quality “aqua time” on my family boat.

Looking forward to working with you all! From what I see already, it seems as though we are a lively bunch.

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1 Response to Miss Roussel? Yes, Johnny. What’s that?

  1. deedee says:

    Hi Charmaine,
    Brilliant photo and caption!
    Your love of teaching shows through and I’m looking forward to working with you as we both begin the MET program.

    Dee Dee

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