It never ceases to amaze me how stressed I can get over something and then I don’t really understand how, but I do manage to do what I spent hours trying to do earlier. Well, finally my Photostory. Thanks for the no comments, as it didn’t work the first time that I tried. Anyways, now that I have vented, I want to comment on Photo Story. I discovered Photo Story several years ago at a Technology workshop and I knew that it was a good program to use in my Primary classroom to encourage oral literacy and digital literacy. This download is free from Microsoft and it is user friendly. I have made many photo stories with my classes. They are great to present at Student Led conferences. Enjoy.
I feel your stress. It never ceases to amaze me too. I think you made a very good suggestion when we incorporate technology for reporting back to the parents. I think Student led conferences are something valuable to incorporate into the assessment stage. Photo Story would be a very good way to encourage digital literacy and give the chance for students to work with a medium that is different from the average paper portfolio.
Thanks for the good idea,
Hi Iris,
Thank you for your positive reply. I really like using Photostory. I have my student take an individual picture, write about it and then read their story into the microphone. The speaking bit is heard when viewing the photo and the music is in the background. Have a wonderful holiday break.
Loved your photostory and understand your stress over creating it!
I’m amazed and delighted at the different applications I’m learning about in Rip.Mix.Feed and your creation has given me ideas on how I can apply this to fundraising.
Dee Dee
Hi Dee Dee,
Thank you for your positive reply. I really like using Photostory. I have my student take an individual picture, write about it and then read their story into the microphone. The speaking bit is heard when viewing the photo and the music is in the background. Glad to hear that gave you an idea. Have a wonderful holiday break.