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Category Archives: Uncategorized
Web 2.0: A Modern Manuscript
Hello, I have chosen to write my third commentary about how web 2.0 is bringing together many aspects of writing technologies, past and present. Because I wanted to embed Twitter and Blog feeds into the text to support my argument … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary 3, Uncategorized
Tagged Blogs, remediation, Social Media, text, Twitter, web 2.0
Springpad Digital Resources
I have had a lot of fun experimenting with some of these tools! I have also been frustrated at being unable to access some of them too – and so have been unable to enjoy some of the productions that … Continue reading
Posted in Rip.Mix.Feed., Uncategorized
Tagged Bolter, culture, digital literacy, education, hyperlinks, media, self, springpad
Answer Garden
I made up this question on Answer Garden. As students type in their response, they show up on the screen. Same responses become bigger and less frequent responses become smaller. You can get students to be on their Macbooks/PCs at … Continue reading
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Symbaloo Webmix on Cinemagraphs
For this week’s Rip. Mix. Feed. activity, I chose to collect a set of resources on Symbaloo, a PLE bookmarking tool. Since I have a particular interest in cinemagraphs as a form of text, that it the theme I chose … Continue reading
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PowerPoint vs. Gliffy
Due to an overwhelming amount of printing inquiries at my school, I created a troubleshooting sign for my school using Powerpoint. Given the MET opportunity, I decided to recreate the same sign using Gliffy. After some initial trial and error … Continue reading
Posted in Making Connections, Rip.Mix.Feed., Technology, Text, Uncategorized
A new landscape.
In his attempt to examine the changing landscape of representation and communication, Gunther Kress’s (2005) article titled, “Gains and losses: New forms of texts, knowledge and Learning” raises many discussion points that are helpful for analyzing this field. His primary … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Bolter, Commentary 2, communication, Kress, literacy, media, multimodal modes of representation, postman, remediation, text
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EKPHRASIS – An Exploration
every reception of a work of art is both an interpretation and a performance of it, because in every reception the work takes on a fresh perspective for itself. Umberto Eco – The Open Work What lies ‘beyond’ representation would … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Bolter, Commentary 2, culture, ekphrasis, imagetext, Krieger, literary criticism, media, Mitchell, remediation, typography
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Calligraphy: Words Become Art All Around The World
Introduction Calligraphy can be considered a formative art that uses writing as its medium. While typical writing is used as a set of signs designed to replace spoken words, calligraphy tries to be something more. Many of the first characters … Continue reading
Digital Literacy: Applying a Fluid Definition
In their chapter titled Digital Literacy, Dobson and Willinsky (2009) present and analyze the development of digital literacy in a chronological manner. They begin with the use of the personal computer and word processors in the 1980s and end with … Continue reading →