Tag Archives: technology

Technology – We Only Fear Living Without It

Postman’s article really resonated with my day to day reality, as I have recently come to realize how we can be either masters or slaves of technology.  Reading his interpretation of technology and its effects, I realized how readily I … Continue reading

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Selective Living

Technology increases our ability to make connections. We are connected to more people through technology than ever before. We have more control over who we hang out with and escape the confines of the physical world. This isolates us from … Continue reading

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Technology: Good…and bad.

When thinking of why humans produce new technologies, the reason is to make some aspect of human life easier.  This may be done through selfish ambition, in which case the technology is corrupt right from the start.  But most technologies … Continue reading

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Is Technology Making Us Lazy?

Dictionary.com defines technology as: the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment … [as] the terminology of an art, science, etc. … a technological process, … Continue reading

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The Technology to Accumulate Text

Reflecting on the meanings behind “text” and “technology,” I wanted to explore the seemingly inverse relationship between the progressively large cumulative total of text that has been created and is being saved and stored, and the increasing ease and indiscretion with which … Continue reading

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A Martian Sends a Postcard Home

by Craig Raine, 1979 Caxtons are mechanical birds with many wings and some are treasured for their markings– they cause the eyes to melt or the body to shriek without pain. I have never seen one fly, but sometimes they … Continue reading

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Neutral, it is not

Everywhere we remain unfree and chained to technology, whether we passionately affirm or deny it. But we are delivered over to it in the worst possible way when we regard it as something neutral; for this conception of it, to … Continue reading

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Text: The Technology of Communication

After reading the course materials on ‘text” and ‘technology’, I feel the two are inseparable as they relate to communication.  Text happens to be the technology of communication.  It is what humans use to share information; to communicate thoughts and … Continue reading

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A balancing act in the classroom

The microprocessor is the cornerstone for all our technological devices.  Moore, an Intel co-founder once prophesized that, “the number of transistors on a chip will double approximately every two years” (Intel, n.d.). Due to this rapid cycle, our society has … Continue reading

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A short passage that sheds light on ‘Technology’.

I think that this passage from the ‘From papyrus to cyberspace’ lecture signals a key learning that many people (both students and teachers) need to face and overcome. “If someone becomes seduced with the technology and thinks that if they … Continue reading

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