Mr. Pletsch

Author: shaun pletsch

Class Mammalia

General Characteristics SYNAPSID = Group including mammals and every animal mo re closely related to mammals than other amniotes. Larger…

Grade 9 – Meiosis

Meiosis Click and Learn! Explore each stage in more detail! [link] Stage Description Prophase I 1.     Homologous chromosomes (matching chromosomes…

3.4 – Inheritance

Essential idea: The inheritance of genes follows patterns Sex-linked inheritance practice problems Monohybrid inheritance practice problems Vocabulary Genotype: the specific alleles…

Class Aves

General Characteristics Toothless beak Amniotic egg with hard mineralized shell Tetrapod – feathered wings and scaly, clawed feet The youngest…

Class Aves – Field Work Assignment

Class Aves – Field Observation Journal Entry                                                             Birds Spotted                                                           2-1 1-1 Northwestern Crow Northwestern Crow Herring/California Gull Herring/California Gull…

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