Author Archives: han-qi-wang

Healthlink BC: Cannabis

What you will find here: British Columbia resources and information on Cannabis.


Cannabis for non-medical use is legal in Canada as of October 17, 2018. There are many different views on cannabis. Some may find the transition to legalized cannabis in British Columbia challenging. There are some facts you should know that will help keep British Columbians safe.

Hope for Wellness Helpline

What you will find here: The Hope for Wellness Help Line offers immediate mental health counselling and crisis intervention to all Indigenous peoples across Canada.

Hope for Wellness Chat

Welcome to the Hope for Wellness Helpline – On-Line Chat Counseling Service Call the toll-free Help Line at 1-855-242-3310, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, or use the chat box below to connect with a counsellor on-line The Hope for Wellness Help Line offers immediate mental health counselling and crisis intervention to all Indigenous peoples across Canada.

HealthLink BC

What you will find here: HealthLink BC provides reliable non-emergency health information and advice in British Columbia. Information and advice is available by telephone, our website, a mobile app and a collection of print resources. Through our programs and services, you can get the information you need to make decisions for yourself and those you care for.

Wondering Where to Start?

Urgent and Primary Care Centres are opening across the province to improve access to primary care. They provide an alternative to visiting emergency departments for issues that do not need to be seen in a hospital.

Mindhealth BC

What you will find here: MindHealthBC is a one stop shop that gathers the wealth of evidence based resources available in your community and combines them into one easy to use website.

MindHealthBC’s detailed online directory includes:

  1. Mental health and substance use information
  2. Self-help resources and online programs
  3. Local support groups for patients and for friends and family members
  4. Community health services suited to an individual’s specific needs


If you, or someone you know, are struggling with mental health challenges, you’re in the right place. How can we help you today?

UBC Wellness Centre

What you will find here: At the Wellness Centre, Wellness Peer Educators are trained student volunteers who can answer your questions, talk with you, and recommend resources for everyday concerns related to health, relationships, and workload.

Wellness Centre

At the Wellness Centre, Wellness Peer Educators are trained student volunteers who can answer your questions, talk with you, and recommend resources for everyday concerns related to health, relationships, and workload. If you’re a student leader interested in partnering on wellness workshops, events, and more, email the Wellness Centre.

ISMP Canada

What you will find here: Provincial, national and international education and resources related to medication reconciliation.

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ISMP Canada Medication Reconciliation Project

In the spring of 2010, ISMP Canada, in collaboration with the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists Ontario Branch, hosted two invitational roundtable sessions. The overall goal of the sessions was to discuss opportunities and create recommendations to fully understand and utilize the drivers and resources that exist in Ontario to facilitate communication of medication information at transitions of care.

Toward the Heart

What you will find here: BCCDC Harm Reduction Services website with resources and information regarding naloxone and the Take Home Naloxone Program in BC.

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Take Home Naloxone

BC Center for Disease Control started the Take Home Naloxone program in 2012 to provide life-saving training and kits to people at risk of an opioid overdose. There are now over 1300 sites participating across British Columbia.