Category Archives: Campus Life

Barber Courtyard: The perfect place to enjoy an autumn afternoon.

Fall in Winnipeg is one my absolute favourite things in the world – and one of the things I miss the most about home. The sun shines a little differently, painting everything gold, and the air feels different. The sky goes on forever in an endless see of blue, a few white wispy clouds way up above you; fall in Winnipeg is openness, joy, falling in love; it is indescribable. It’s something you just have to breathe in to understand.

Today is a day that reminds me so much of Winnipeg fall. It’s sunny, dry, cool but not too cool, and reminds me so much of home it puts a smile on my face. So when my prof let my German class out early on a Friday afternoon, I couldn’t resist buying a cup of hot chocolate from Ike’s Cafe and just sit outside and enjoy the weather. This sort of sun is what we get nearly every day in Winnipeg, whereas here in Vancouver it’s more of a rare treat.

The place I wound up in was the courtyard outside Irving K. Barber Learning Centre. It’s the perfect place just to sit, chat with friends, people-watch, or just day dream, while the sun warms your back and the water in the fountain splashes pleasantly. It’s a gorgeous place at UBC, one you may not notice otherwise; it isn’t on any brochure that I’ve see, nor pointed out on any map – and yet it has one of the nicest atmospheres I’ve felt so far. I’m sorry I didn’t get a picture, I left my camera in my room, but that just means you have to go check it out for yourself!

XO – Samantha.


Filed under Campus Life

Protip: Never put your keys in your back pocket.

Just a handy little tip for life: Never put your keys on a lanyard in your back pocket with the lanyard hanging out. Sure, it’s an easy to reach place and all, but it’s also a very easy place to forget about, say, when you’re going to the bathroom and sitting down… Let’s just say that I had a very good reason to go to the bookstore today and buy a pretty new purple lanyard. And what the heck, let’s buy a UBC mug, too.

Sometimes these things turn out to be a blessing in disguise.


Filed under Campus Life, Residence

Day of the Longboat

A bustling crowd of people, loud music, excitement you can feel in the air, the ocean, and mountains and high rises on the horizon: this is Day of the Longboat.  It is a must-attend event at UBC, and for good reason.  It’s the most fun I’ve had in a while, and it really brought me and my team-and-floor-mates closer together.  It also brings up my number one way to meet and make friends: get involved.  Continue reading


Filed under Campus Life, Residence

Reception and Re: Winter Harp

Today was the reception for Major Entrance Scholars (ie. people who won Major Entrance Scholarships), and uh, yeah, I won one… Anyway, there were a lot of amazing people!  I got to meet the chancellor and president of UBC and the director of the school of music (all of whom are really really nice people).  I also met other students, and I think I can really connect with them. I also got the first hug I’ve had since I got here, which is AWESOME because I am a very huggy person.  There was also really good food, so, you know, that’s a plus too… :P


Also in regards to the Winter Harp, it turns out that the harpist they wanted in the first place could make the shows, so I won’t be needed.  Still, I’m really happy – the fact that they contacted me at all is awesome, and I think with the extra rehearsals and stuff I’d get really stressed out.


That’s all for today :)  -Samantha

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Filed under Campus Life, School of Music

Out and About

Hey everyone!  Just for the record, I’m feeling much better, and as I expected the loneliness of moving here has indeed faded with time.  The thing that bothered me most was just the unfamiliarness of EVERYTHING, people, places, food, routine, just everything.  However, now that I’m getting used to things, I’m very much enjoying my time here :)

In particular, now that I’m not focused on how UBC isn’t my home, I can appreciate what a freaking amazing campus we have here.  Seriously.  Everything is beautifully landscaped, built, and designed.  Flowers line the sidewalks and sculptures are plentiful.  I’ve done a little exploring, and so far these are my favourite places on campus:

1. The rose garden.  If you haven’t been there yet, what are you waiting for?!  The roses won’t be blooming for long, and they are gorgeous.

2. The Chapman Learning Commons (aka the Harry Potter Room).  It’s inside the Irving K Barber Learning Centre, third floor.  It seriously makes me feel like I’m in the great hall in Hogwarts – and the hushed atmosphere and comfy armchairs make it a great place for studying.

3. The Aquatic Centre.  FYI, UBC students get in for free with their student card.  Ridiculous, I know.  Also the pool is shaped like a thunderbird head.  Whoa.

4. The hill outside the SUB.  It’s a great place to just hang out and soak up the sun :)  For that matter, pretty much anywhere on campus is a great place to just sit around and enjoy the scenery, providing the weather is nice like it has been these last few weeks.

5. Inside the SUB. It’s cool in there!  I don’t know why, I just like it. Also, the Blue Chip Cookie is definitely something you need to try.  I got this ‘Marble Cookie’ from there, and it was this warm, moist, chocolate cookie with a giant slab of melty white chocolate on top. Mmmmmmm.

I’m not nearly done exploring yet, but my poor feet can only do so much walking in a day!  Post your favourite places in the comments :)

XO – Samantha.


Filed under Campus Life