Monthly Archives: January 2017

Why are my veins blue?

Common Misconceptions

Watching the video on common misconceptions about the causes of the seasons and the phases of the moon, I was reminded of when I taught Biology 12 this summer and just how challenging it was for students to grasp the mental model I was trying to communicate.  I tried to be creative in how I delivered my lessons by using analogies and manipulatives but still I found many students would erroneously add details or fill in gaps with incorrect information.  Why weren’t they able to acknowledge gaps in their understanding and ask for clarification?  Why did they invent facts?  I don’t believe they were simply too embarrassed to acknowledge their misconception.  Our brains are great at finding patterns and filling in for missed information.  In the image below, it is difficult not to see the unbordered white triangle in the middle.  Our brain fills in what it can’t see.  I feel like this is analogous to how students fill in missing information in order  to complete a mental model of a particular process.  Unfortunately in science, if these assumptions go unchecked, students risk carrying the burden of their false assumptions year after year.  I no longer rely solely on written output to find out what my students understand.  I have long since adopted oral assessments whereby students are asked to explain their understanding of processes fundamental to the unit of study.

In many cases, the students are actually taught misconceptions.  There is mounting research that shows that misconceptions concerning science are prevalent among teachers.  Nancy J. Pelaez et al. (2005) for instance, investigated the prevalence of blood circulation misconception  among prospective elementary teacher in the US and found that “70% of prospective elementary teachers did not understand the dual blood circulation pathway, 33% were confused about blood vessels, 55% had wrong ideas about gas exchange, 19% had trouble with gas transport and utilization, and 20% did not understand lung function”.  I would be curious to see how many of my colleagues would agree that veins in their wrists are blue because they carry deoxygenated blood (deoxygenated blood is still red). My hope is that through greater inquiry based education, teachers will be less required to the absolute bearers of all knowledge and can focus on teaching students the skills required to consolidate, criticize and explain information.


“Kanizsa Triangle.” Optics For Kids – Optical Illusions. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Jan. 2017.

Pelaez, N. J. “Prevalence of blood circulation misconceptions among prospective elementary teachers.” AJP: Advances in Physiology Education 29.3 (2005): 172-81. Web.

Conceptions and Misconceptions

Watching A Private Universe (Shneps & Sadler, 1987) I was astounded that not only did so many of the graduate and high school students have misconceptions about the seasons, but also that they all seemed to have the same misconception. It was then that I started to question my own knowledge and understanding of the reason for seasons, checking my information by researching the question. The information that the students were giving about the reason we have seasons was logical and made sense given their initial information and the representative drawing from the text. I was enlightened when the video manipulated the drawing from the text from the side view to the bird’s eye view, demonstrating how the elliptical orbit could be misconstrued. I had never thought about this aspect before now.

Not being a particularly strong student in math or science, I have always felt that I would not be a very strong teacher of these subjects also. “Teachers cannot help children learn things they themselves do not understand” (Ball, 1991). As an elementary school teacher I am required to teach both of these and cover quite a quantity of concepts within the year. In science we cover chemistry, physics, matter & energy, and biology within two terms, which can be daunting for someone who made it through most of high school and university with little or no math and science instruction. In my early years of teaching I relied heavily on the science text books, trusting that they would allow me to impart the information and knowledge that the students were required to know. As I read the articles and watch the video I am left wondering how much my teaching contributed to some of the misconceptions my students may have had regarding science and math. Since then, I have developed my own knowledge through experimentation, research, and additional courses.  I have realized some of my own misconceptions and with that have been able to identify some of my student’s misconceptions. Now that I am much more competent in my science and math teaching, it is easier for me to seek out student misconceptions in order to design lessons and activities to help students adjust their thinking.

In a research paper conducted by Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, the relationship between teacher knowledge and student learning was studied, and concluding that student learning is directly related to teacher knowledge. “If teachers hold such misconceptions themselves or simply are unaware that their students have such ideas, their attempts at teaching important concepts may be compromised” (Sadler et al, 2013). These leads me to two questions: How can teachers identify their own misconceptions and how can they better understand and identify misconceptions of their students?

Confrey notes that “children develop ideas about their world, develop meanings for words used in science, and develop strategies to obtain explanations of how and why things behave as they do, and that these naive ideas cannot be easily ignored or replaced” (Confrey, 1990). It is important for teachers to be able to tease out these misconceptions by probing a student’s conceptual framework using direct questioning allowing them to develop effective lessons and activities to provide opportunities for students to discover new information and correct their misconceptions. Previous research on student’s misconceptions shows that student’s have difficulty assimilating and acquiring scientific knowledge if their misconceptions are ignored or not adequately addressed. One way for teachers to address this gap is to consider that an emphasis on identifying and remediating holes in the teacher’s knowledge may be more helpful for the science teacher’s effectiveness in the classroom (Sadler et al).

Providing hands on activities and experiments for students to work through will allow them to interpret their results as opposed to arriving at an expected result. Technology such as virtual experiments, could be used in a classroom setting where the resources are inadequate for real experimentation. Programs such as Skype can be used to visit high school or college labs and see experiments performed live and allow the students to ask questions directly to the teacher or students performing the experiment. I have done this with our local high school science teacher, who was very enthusiastic about participating, and the students were fascinated with the results. The key is to allow the student to discover the science in order to add to their knowledge and understanding to help dispel misconceptions.


Confrey, J. (1990). A Review of the Research on Student Conceptions in Mathematics, Science, and Programming. Review of Research in Education,16, 3. doi:10.2307/1167350
Kambouri, M. (2014, April 16). Teacher’s and children’s misconceptions in science [Scholarly project]. In ResearchGate. Retrieved January 05, 2017, from
Posner, G. J., Strike, K. A., Hewson, P. W., & Gertzog, W. A. (1982). Accommodation of a scientific conception: Toward a theory of conceptual change. Science Education,66(2), 211-227. doi:10.1002/sce.3730660207
Sadler, P. M., Sonnert, G., Coyle, H. P., Cook-Smith, N., & Miller, J. L. (2013). The Influence of Teachers’ Knowledge on Student Learning in Middle School Physical Science Classrooms. American Educational Research Journal,50(5), 1020-1049. doi:10.3102/0002831213477680
Science teaching reconsidered: a handbook. (1997). The National Academies Press. Retrieved January 09, 2017.

Conceptual Challenges

Students conceptual understandings and ideas are likely long established prior to entering the classroom. While these can be based on personal experiences or long-held beliefs, these ideas are, unfortunately not always correct. These overall themes are evident in the short documentary, A Private Universe (1987), as well as presented in the readings on constructivism (Fosnot, 2013). Both the video and reading establish that students have their own pre-existing concepts and notions, which ultimately need to be “straightened out” as new concepts emerge and compete. Fosnot further argues that the role of educators is to change not necessarily “dispense knowledge” but also to provide “opportunities and incentives” to construct learning.

The article selected for further examination studies several different misconceptions held by both teacher and students in regards to the physical sciences (Burgoon, Heddle, & Duran, 2010). The misunderstanding of particular interest is one regarding the general concept of gravity. The article discusses the common confusion with the concept in which objects at different heights experience a different force of gravity. The study confirmed a general belief and association by both teachers and students alike that objects at a higher elevation are experiencing “more gravity” wherein fact gravity is always present regardless of height or elevation. The article addresses some of the concerns raised in educating students if teachers themselves held misconceptions but proposed some solutions such as increasing awareness and professional development.

In regards to digital technologies and instructional activities to help nurture student understanding, there are online simulations, phet labs, and video clips. Fosnot, however, would argue that students need opportunities to change and construct their learning, to help my own students overcome the gravitational misconceptions explored by Burgoon, Heddle, and Duran (2010), I use a combination of digital motion detectors linked to graphing to allowing students to create their own explorations on relationship between gravity and height. By dropping objects from various elevations, students are able to examine and confirm the notion that the force of gravity and acceleration remain constant.


Burgoon, J., Heddle, M., & Duran, E. (2010). Re-examining the similarities between teacher and

student conceptions about physical science. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 21(7),

859-872. http://10.1007/s10972-009-9177-0


Fosnot, C.T. (2013). Constructivism: Theory, perspectives, and practice (2nd ed.). New

York: Teachers College Press


Sahiner, A. (Producer), & Schneps, M. (Director). (1987). A private universe [Documentary].

United States: Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

Unpacking my assumptions

Unpacking Assumptions

Proper use of Digital Technology in the Math and Science Classroom is dependent on the reason for use. If a teacher is planning to do what they have always done, with the new twist being they have put the same lessons and readings on line then the implementation of the digital technology is likely to be no more effective than the lessons presented with out the use of the technology. Technology is not a magic gadget that improves lessons on its own.

In my previous course ETEC 565A a fellow student remarked how her daughters classes (grade 8) had “changed” because of technology. Basically, the students went into the classroom, watched some YouTube video lectures and then did seat work. If they were confused they were directed to rewatch the video. I took a lot of issue with this approach. What exactly were the teachers doing during this time? Where was the “learning”? Was there any hands on discovery by the students? When did they test their hypotheses? The above scenario, I think we all agree would not be a good use of technology in the Science and Math classrooms.

During my previous nine MET courses I have come to realize I am a very “grey” person. I do not see things in black or white. To give an example in terms of technology in math, I see its uses being very widespread, especially at the elementary level. First of all, although there is much debate about the need for students to master computational math skills with out the aide of a calculator, I still find student’s skills improve more using “computational games” on the computer than using flash cards. The games not only challenge the student but when they are done in a computer game format they allow the student to progress at their skill level, encourage them to try to reach the next level of the game, provide rewards for improved time and skill, as well as, allows the student to progress without someone grading them or saying correct or incorrect when using flash cards. So although there are other ways to drill computation skills, technology improves this experience for the student.

The use of digital technology can be very beneficial in other ways as well. Teacher’s can use technology to aide them in creating blended classrooms. Where material is presented in various formats and students work through stations. The technology aides students in working independently or with others to solve problems, understand concepts and review material. One of the stations is teacher led, and the teacher is available to assist any group that requires it. Students are able to watch and review material, as well as, watch recorded demonstrations created by the teacher whenever they need to. Students are also able to work on simulations that are especially valueable in stem classes. In physics, students can see how the changing of a variable changes the outcome. In mathematics, students solving problems on tablets and explaining their solutions would allow the teacher to review the material if it seems that the student has misconceptions.

Another valuable factor of using digital technology in stem classes is that it aides in students constructing their knowledge. They are able to review steps that they do not understand. They are able to extend their learning if they have mastered the current skill. They are able to investigate other areas of interest. I have become a firm believer in students constructing their knowledge. It is a proven fact (research by Dr. D Levitan) that our brain and bodies suffer when we try to multitask. Our neurons become exhausted very quickly and then our attention wanes. We become much less skilled at each task the more we try to multitask. So if we continue to look at the research it also states children are bombarded by information and tasks changing constantly. That they are attempting to learn (in the most inefficient way possible if the teacher is a chalk and talker) when they are over come by stimuli.
What stimuli:
Social issues –
why are my friends laughing and I don’t know why?
I wonder why Bobby didn’t invite me to his party?

Physical issues-
I am hungry, when is snack or lunch… what will I eat
I stayed up way too late last night, I just want to have a nap

I can’t wait to get home and try to get to the next level of that video game
I hope hockey practice goes well tonight so coach starts me in the next game

Class issues-
my parents are going to be mad I got a C on my math test
I have no idea what this teacher is talking about.

Add to this that students- well all of us attend best to what interests us most and it becomes very apparent, me talking at the front of the room isn’t going to make it on their most important items to remember. The more active learning becomes the easier it is recalled. When students are up learning, testing, retesting etc they have more pathways encoding the learning. Digital technologies are a great way to let students proceed at their own pace and take their learning on paths that interest them.

Digital Technologies are an excellent way to help dispel misconceptions. For example, if a student has difficulty understanding how electrical circuits work (in series) they could work on a program that allows them to change the variables with switches. If they change one of the variables it can change the outcome. They will see the action and reaction, the appliance or light working or not.

In my opinion there are several road blocks to the proper use of technology in the classroom.
1. Teachers who do not understand and perhaps do not wish to understand how the technology can help in delivering their content and enable students to construct their knowledge.
2. Not enough teacher in service to allow teachers to be comfortable with new technologies.
3. Not enough hardware for all students to use technology when required.
4. Not enough bandwidth to support the programs that are running.
5. Too much stress about what students are doing on their devices (Facebook, texting etc).
6. Keeping information protected on open networks.

I believe we need to demonstrate to the nay Sayers what awesome things can be accomplished with digital technologies. Allow BYOD programs so that more students have access to devices. Improved bandwidth so classes don’t wait in limbo for their programs or activities to load. All of these roadblocks are manageable we just have to prove it is worth it.


Daniel J. Levitan, The Organized Mind (thinking straight in the age of information overload), 2014.

Conceptual Challenges and Ways to Address Them

After watching the video the concepts within it rang true to me. In my experiences in science, many concepts were taught only once and models, simulations and hands-on experience were limited to what resources were available, which were often slim to none. If models were available, the educators usually stood at the front of the class with the model in front of them as they “taught” us the concept. We did not handle or construct the models. One thing I found interesting was how strongly the students held on to their personal scientific theories. It seems that early experiences learning scientific concepts are fraught with misconceptions that may not be challenged and thus taken as the ultimate truth. I wonder if this is because as children we were not taught to question what we saw in books or what we were taught. We implicitly trusted these sources, including our understanding of 3 dimensional phenomenon which was more often than not, represented in 2-D form (in drawings, graphs, etc.).

A common misconception I have is how our ears “hear” sound. I know it has something to do with vibrations hitting our eardrums, and that the hairs in the ears are called cilia and that the hairs are very delicate and if you damage them you will damage your hearing. Beyond that my lack of full understanding comes to the fore. I remember finding the concept fascinating as I read about it in a science book I had in my home book collection. I read it over and over again as a child. But now that I reflect, I never had a chance in my formal education to revisit the concept; so much of it was lost from my memory. I learned about the parts of the body and some of their rudimentary functions but not in depth. No concepts in biology were hands-on or taught so that we could actually experience the ideas or sensations. No simulations were provided. I do remember watching one video in health class which showed how our digestive system works. I remember it to this day because I could actually “see” inside the body with the use of a mini camera. WOW! powerful stuff.

When I searched for an article about hearing, I found the following information which you can access in the link provided:

So, after reading the information I still had many unanswered questions namely:

What is a sound wave?

How do bones amplify or increase sound? (An analogy might help)

What does it mean when it says hair cells “ride the wave”?

And so on….

Digital technology would allow scientific concepts to “leap from the page” and become more interactive. Simulations, for example, can help students to understand concepts more fully. Being able to take virtual field trips to talk to and learn from scientists around the globe could deepen understanding and allow students to ask important and unanswered questions. Allowing students time to use technology to research a subject area of interest and to use information from a variety of sources including Blogs, videos, simulations, interactive games etc. could also lead to engagement and deeper understandings.

So the question is how can we use digital technology and instructional activities to help children address these conceptions? Kozma (2003) looked at patterns of innovative classroom practices supported by technology, which included the primary, lower secondary, and upper secondary grades. In many of the case studies, science was the subject area.  The case studies found that when students use technology to solve complex, authentic problems that cross disciplinary boundaries, and when educators facilitate this through technology, students are engaged and successful. This constructivist approach promotes knowledge building and moves the students from vessels into which information is imparted into constructors of their own knowledge. The stated impact of the innovation on students was quite broad. The largest number of cases claimed that students acquired ICT skills as a result of the innovation (75%). A large majority of cases claimed students developed positive attitudes toward learning or school (68%), acquired new subject matter knowledge (63%), or acquired collaborative skills (63%) (Kozma, 2003).

Many of these cases from around the world had qualities in common including working collaboratively, using technological tools to research, publish work and create new products. In addition, educators moved more toward facilitation as opposed to being in the “traditional” role of teacher as imparter of knowledge. In fact, Kozma (2003) found that when students used technology to research, solve, design and self- assess they improved their problem solving skills, information management skills, collaboration and communication skills. So, it seems that technology can help us with conceptual understandings, but it also depends on how the educator allows the technology to be used.


How do we hear? (2015, July 20). Retrieved from

Robert B. Kozma (2003) Technology and Classroom Practices, Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 36:1, 1-14, DOI: 10.1080/15391523.2003.10782399

Understanding Misconceptions

Note: I am currently unable to access my lap top/ ipad or wifi. I have attempted to complete the readings and blog post on my phone using my data plan. It hasn’t been the easiest thing to accomplish. When life returns to normal I will fix up the errors and properly cite material. Sorry for the inconvenience.

This unit on Conceptual Challenges really synthesized for me my role not only as a teacher but also as a student. Until recently I believe I have been the antithesis of Piaget’s statement “Not how fast but how far”. Educationally I believe I have always been on the fast track, not in terms of being educationally superior but rather looking at a volume of work I needed to conquer and setting about conquering it, not learning it. Homework and assignments were a check list of activities that I tackled and prided myself if I got through it (honestly never considering if I understood it or could explain it but rather could I do what was asked as a robot would).

Reflecting over the past few days on Heathers experience and the other students, as well as, Harvard Grads and Faculty, I realized that early on in my education I was considered ahead of my peers. By the time I was in grade 5 I was two years younger than my peers. It was around this time also I began to feel like a fraud. My confidence slipped and I would say I became a very average student until grade 11. In grade 11 something finally clicked. Did my brain catch up with the material? Did I become more confident? Did I just learn how to play the system and know what I needed to do to get good grades?
From grade 11 through until about eight years ago, I kept on that track I learned how to do what needed to be done to get a job done “well”. At least in the eyes of others. I taught curriculum, got through units, students produced work that they could be proud of. But what were they really learning? Had I really not just taught them how to play the system the same way I had.
I probably would have continued right on that path if a slap in the face moment had not occurred. I had to face my misconceptions head on. LIke Heather’s teacher in the video I believed that students arrived at my door with the background knowledge to proceed from where their last curriculum left off. Never once did I question the teaching that was going on in those rooms, rather if the students arrived not knowing something they just were not good at it.

I would review if needed (lecture style), and dispense new information (lecture style and perhaps with a model I demonstrated with) and often found myself thinking, that went really well, these kids have to understand this I did a great job. What a fantastic sage on the stage I was (notice I did not say teacher).

The slap in the face moment came when the first week of classes with grade sevens they were struggling with the most basic of concepts. Frustrated and decidedly sarcastically, at the time, I reverted to a primary teacher reviewing math concepts. It was then I became dumbfounded. None of the students had any understanding of WHY they did things in math. They perhaps knew the how’s of computation but application and understanding were sorely lacking. Later that day, to make myself feel better I walked in to the class that my students from the previous year were in. I asked the same question, and I got the same dumbfounding answers. They had no clue. HOw could this be?

If this was true in Mathematics it had to be true in other subjects as well. I sat down that night deciding how to map out my future as a teacher. My plan was to change my lessons from students listening to a chalk and talk to me listening to what they knew, talking to them about why they did something and trying to get them to apply that knowledge to new situations in whatever way possible.

Goal setting became important. As Blanchett (1977) stated “a good experiential situation must permit the child to establish plans to reach a distant goal,while leaving him wide freedom to follow his own route (p 37).” This led to my understanding of how I was rushing through the curriculum to check off units I had completed. I needed to slow down. In 1987, Duckworth stated that “learners need time to explore phenomenon (Chapter 6).”

Exploration became a large part of my classroom time. Allowing students to manipulate and create their own models. Give them an opportunity to try ideas and learn from the results.

In the Confrey (1990) article there is a very poignant section on arithmetic that discusses the difference between rote learning and meaningful learning. The following portion stood out for me “We label students as wrong, but do not delve into the preconceptions that may have led to this”.

Fosnot’s (2013) book delves deeply into how children can benefit from constructing their knowledge. Taking what they know (or think they know) and expanding on that. Allowing this will help them see if what they previously believed was true or if they had a misconception. Without the opportunity construct their knowledge students may never understand how to move forward and deepen their knowledge base.

After reading the articles and watching the video I began to wonder how, in mathematics specifically I could improve my own understanding of what my students knew and what misconceptions they may have.

I found a very helpful article by An and Wu (2012) entitled: Enhancing Mathematics Teachers Knowledge of Student Thinking from Assessing and Analyzing Misconceptions in HOmework.

First of all I have not been a big fan of homework for about the past 8 years, as well. During my epiphany, mentioned above, I realized that homework seemed to be busy work. Also that I assigned “busy” homework and did not really use the results to any end, other than marking it as done or not done. An and Wu (2012) bring up this point as well. Their research focuses on how we can use the grading of homework as a way to understand what our students know and what misconceptions they may have. If we assign fewer, more meaningful questions and take the time to evaluate that work we will have a much better picture of that students knowledge. We will be able to identify misconceptions and have the opportunity to allow the student time (with teacher direction and assistance to understand and correct these misconceptions).

This leads directly to my thoughts about how technology can help in this area. I envision my students choosing three of their “assigned work questions” one from each of the three sections to complete “on line”. Students could access a variety of programs that would enable them to show and talk about how they solved the problem. Why they did, what they did, why it made sense to them, as well as, if they believe they have solved the problem properly. This would allow the teacher to not only see the work the student has done, but also allows them to hear the rationale. Having this valueable information to refer back to would not only aide in understanding the students misconceptions but also be an excellent marker to refer back to once the student has progressed past this problem.

References: (Not in proper citation format to be fixed later)

Confrey, et al. Article from class notes list 1990

Fosnot, C. Chapter 1 and 2 from class notes list, 2013

An,S. and Wu, Z. Enhancing Mathematics Teacher’s Knowledge of Student Thinking from Assessing and Analyzing Misconceptions in HOmework. International Journal of Science and Math Education (2012) 10: 717

Hello from the North Shore of Vancouver!

Hi everyone,

My name is Bryn and I live on the North Shore of Vancouver.  I teach a grade 6/7 class for the West Vancouver School District at an awesome school on Bowen Island in the middle of Howe Sound.  I have moved into teaching elementary just over a year ago and was previously teaching senior math and physics at various high schools around the world.  I began teaching in China for 3 years and then taught on a tall ship with a program called Class Afloat.  I have really enjoyed my recent shift to the elementary level but look forward to returning to high school math and physics one day.

I feel fortunate to be working in a school district and community that fully embraces technology in the classroom.  Students bring their own devices to school and I incorporate technology in almost every unit of instruction.  Google Apps for Education, Khan Academy, and the inquiry-based model are all cornerstones in my classroom and I love trying out all sorts of innovative programs in my classroom.

I look forward to expanding my understanding of technology in the math and science classroom and explore current best practice with devices in the classroom.   I look forward to gleaning new ideas from my new set of colleagues and sharing my experiences with you all as well.

Beyond teaching, I love adventuring outside.  My free time is often torn between kayaking, mountain biking, skiing, trail running, sailing, and cycling.

I look forward to working with and learning from you all this semester!

Conceptual Challenges

Heather’s challenges involved logical yet inaccurate theories, confusion that occurred when she blended new concepts with pre-existing knowledge and unawareness of private theories.


When I was watching the video of Heather, I had this realization that I also have misconceptions in the science and math disciplines as a learner. I recall myself generating logical reasonings to explain scientific phenomenons. Furthermore, as an elementary teacher, I am responsible for delivering accurate knowledge to my students. This lingering thought provoked me to look at teacher misconceptions and how they compare with student misconceptions in science, specifically. I came across an article by Burgoon, Heddle and Duran (2011) that was quite recent and focused on comparing the misconceptions about physical science between elementary teachers and students. Elementary science teachers were assessed on their physical science knowledge. The results showed the elementary science teachers shared similar misconceptions in topics of temperature, gases, magnetism and gravity. Of course, these results cannot be generalized to the entire population of science teachers, but it does indicate some concern as teachers who have misconceptions, can contribute to further misconceptions for their students. For instance, a possible source of student misconception comes from an unreliable source (like a teacher)!


I found this article relevant to Paul Cobb’s article titled “Where is the mind? Constructivist and sociocultural perspectives on mathematical development”. The chapter discussed the similarities and differences between two trends in constructivist-based research in education: a cognitive theory that emphasizes self-organization of knowledge process within the learner and a sociocultural theory that focuses on the sociohistorical aspect of knowledge construction. This is relevant to Burgoon et al. (2011)’s article because it indicates the importance of students and teachers being able to demonstrate awareness of misconceptions within themselves but also to point out misconceptions of others through participation in discussions and collaborative learning. Specifically, Cobb (1994) emphasizes that learning occurs both from self-organization of knowledge as well as through participation in cultural practices (i.e. formal schooling).


The other article I chose to read was from Confrey (1990) that discussed various student misconceptions in mathematics. At the end, several propositions for implications were mentioned. It sheds insight on Burgoon et al. (2011)’s article because these suggestions for minimizing misconceptions for students can possibly be applied to teachers. Particularly, teachers should take opportunities to reflect on their own misconceptions using those strategies.


Digital technology can help children and teachers address these conceptions in various ways. More hands-on learning where students directly manipulate objects will help them visualize their conceptions. is a website that has virtual simulations of all topics in science. Students can explore them prior to hands-on experimentation. Online discussion forums can also help students address misconceptions because they can reflect on their learning on them and others can make comments on their knowledge. These forums should be monitored by educators who can also express their knowledge.


Burgoon, J. N., Heddle, M. L., & Duran, E. (2011). Re-examining the similarities between teacher and student conceptions about physical science. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 22(2), 101-114. doi:10.1007/s10972-010-9196-x

Cobb, Paul. “Where is the mind? Constructivist and sociocultural perspectives on mathematical development.” Educational researcher 23, no. 7 (1994): 13-20.

Kings Quest

I remember when my dad brought home the first computer my family ever owned.  It was a Tandy.  It took about an hour to boot up, and seemed like a box that I knew had a lot inside it – things I didn’t have the knowledge to access.  We learned the little tap-dance of command prompts to play games like Kings Quest (run on the big old floppy discs that we had to continually shuffle at the prompting of the game).  When my dad wasn’t home, we would play the copy of Leisure Suit Larry that he didn’t know we knew he had.  I thought it was so scandalous!

Most of the time, though, I felt illiterate when using the computer.  I was constantly messing up the command prompts and felt locked out.

Now I am considered a bit of a techie by my peers.  I find it a bit funny, though…I think that it is more the work of many years of improving software design, user experience design, and layers of user friendliness that have made it possible for me to use computers with some modicum of success.

The 7 year old kid is still in there – the one that knows that there is way more to this little box than I am able to access.  I still feel a little locked out from time to time – the computer and I can talk a bit more easily now, but I it is in translation, and our jokes often go over each others heads.