
Hello all from wet and hot Thailand!

My name is Ryan and I am the Vice Principal of the British Columbia International School of Bangkok.

I am currently taking three courses so will be at luck number 8 by the end of this semester.

From an administrator’s perspective, I really want to learn ways to support STEM in my school and empower students through this. I recently hired an actual computer science teacher with experience in the field and a teaching degree and I couldn’t be more excited about collaborating.

When I worked as teacher in Qatar I took up robotics as an after school club and this turned into my kids competing in the national robotic olympiad, placing 4th overall. I’ve since been keenly interested in learning programming and being forward thinking in my school planning.

Looking forward to learning with everyone!


  1. Hi Ryan,

    Those sound like amazing opportunities you have done and are pursuing for your school. Our district has recently been promoting coding, robotics and 3D printers within a bunch of schools. We’re still in the early stages, but I am interested to hear what you have to share about the challenges and successes you’ve come across so far in incorporating these into your school. Nice meeting you Ryan!

  2. Hi Ryan,

    I haven’t heard of anyone taking 3 courses at a time while also holding a full time job. I am doing 2 myself at this time. Sounds like a difficult workload!

    I look forward to seeing your contributions this term.

  3. Hey Ryan,
    Great to see you in another course 🙂
    Great to see you working with robotics. I am working on mini robotics with my grade 2’s and 3’s and they are loving it. Tomorrow they are presenting at a showcase for our district.

  4. Hi Ryan,

    Your job sounds amazing. I would love to hear more about your robotics club. I am hoping to run one next year at my Middle School so would love any info or advice you could pass on. Im also taking 3 courses this term (512, 565A and this one) – we shall be busy!


  5. Hi Ryan,

    I too am taking on 3 courses this semester but I will not be working during the summer as I am a teacher. It sounds like you have been involved in some great projects and I look forward to learning from your experiences this semester.


    1. Hey Kristen,

      Yes, the next month will be very intense but I’m not working in July (except for a couple workshops) so that will be prime MET time.

      Looking forward to working with you as well.

  6. Hi Ryan

    I agree with Gary, being an administrator and taking on 3 classes is a lot of work — it is doable. I took three when I did my PhD, and I felt exhausted by the end of the term. I then only took one course the next term.


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