On technology in education

I’ve composed this under a sense of how technology is moving within the education system. Often, as has been discussed in various MET forums, there seems to be a push from ministries and administrations to incorporate current technology into teaching practice, sometimes without a lot of thought for best practice or the time that is necessary to change existing practice.

Postman (1992) cautions us that we can often be overly optimistic about new inventions and methods, quickly adopting them without due consideration. I believe modern technology can be used to enhance education exponentially – for both teachers and learners – but we need to be cautious that we do invest the time to ensure that is exactly how it happens.



Postman, N. (1992). Technopoly: The surrender of culture to technology. New York: Vintage Books. Accessed online: https://www.vista.ubc.ca/webct/RelativeResourceManager/Template/Imported_Resources/etec540demo_det_course_20070517151759/pdfs/postman-thamus.pdf

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