Monthly Archives: November 2005

We live in interesting times

From The Independent: The big thaw Research to be published in a few days’ time shows how glaciers that have been stable for centuries have started to shrink dramatically as temperatures in the Arctic have soared with global warming. On … Continue reading

Posted in News | 3 Comments

Why teach digital writing?

A nifty overview of the necessity, the resistance to, and the process of teaching writing in networked digital environments. Computers are not “just tools” for writing. Networked computers create a new kind of writing space that changes the writing process … Continue reading

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Attack of the career-killing blogs…

I somehow made it to this point in my life without knowing what memeorandum was — my first glance turned up this new article on the career implications of academic blogging: On the one hand, some resistance to the proliferation … Continue reading

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Better to burn out?

Guess who’s 60? Neil was probably the first rock star I got into (the album that hooked me at age 11 was “Everybody’s Rocking”, of all things), has never been far from the top of my hit parade, and to … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 5 Comments

WikiRadio2 – Electric Boogaloo

For some reason, DJ Edit and his unfaithful sidekick Harry the Talking Computer have been allowed back on the air, this time in screencast form (requires QuickTime, 42 MB). They are counting down ten hot wikis (need I add, not … Continue reading

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If a two-day big bad blog party ain’t enough for ya…

…it looks like relentless co-organizer Boris, not content with heading up the Spaghetti Western Dinner, is hoping to make it a full week of rich, chocolaty, open-publishing goodness: I may actually extend this conference and try and gather people together … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 1 Comment

Oiled up and ready to offend

As a follow-up to my other politically-themed post, thank you D’Arcy for stepping forward with some thoughtful and necessary discussion on the implications of the petroleum economy. (Some good comments there too.) To be honest, most of my periodic blogger-funks … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 6 Comments

Free Space

Martha Burtis points to this welcome and heartfelt plea from Danah Boyd “capturing why it is that we need to allow space online for young people — and why we need to step aside and let them fill those spaces”: … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 9 Comments

Social software short shorts

Like half the blogosphere (saw it from Josie first) I am giving Suprglu a shot. I think it will make a nice presentation space for the current run of RipMixFeed for the Text Technologies course, which is just getting started. … Continue reading

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Because the revolution’s here – podcasting in education

I already pointed briefly to Gardner Campbell’s wonderful piece on podcasting, There’s Something in the Air, but it deserves more than a passing glance. Gardner didn’t merely write a piece on what a podcast is, and offer a few links … Continue reading

Posted in Emergence | 1 Comment