Author Archives: Brian

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...

UBC eLearning Open House, Wednesday, March 1st

I wanted throw a shout-out to the organizers of this year’s eLearning Open House, which is an informal gathering of the university’s wired educators that is being held for the third year. If you want to get a sense of … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 7 Comments

Edublogger Hootenanny – The Draggin Remix

We recorded the Hootenanny at Moose Camp, and now Jason has mixed the thirty minutes down to a ten minute Moosecamp Mashup (4.2 MB). Jason has done an excellent job of pulling out the points, cleaning up the noisy bits, … Continue reading

Posted in Workshop | 7 Comments

Every day is Christmas, every night is New Year’s Eve

Looking ahead to a week jam-packed with performance and peril, and the technology is not cooperating. On the home front, the aging plumbing in our bathroom seized up last week, rendering our tub/shower non-functional. Not easy to find a plumber … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 5 Comments

It ain’t nepotism if it’s awesome

Not an ed tech story, but I wanted to throw a shout-out to a story by my brother-in-law Kennedy Jawoko in the Toronto Star: Haunting images typecast Africa: Last summer at the height of the “Make Poverty History” campaign, British … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 6 Comments

Multi-Touch Interaction Research

Via YouTube (Thanks Bruce.)

Posted in Emergence | 4 Comments

Alternate Reality Game Antecedents via Infocult

I’ve made some inept attempts to relate some of what Bryan Alexander opened up in my skull during his ELI presentation on alternate reality games. For the benefit of the poor souls who’ve been on the receiving end of my … Continue reading

Posted in Textuality | 4 Comments

Submitted for your consideration – two new weblogs

For two years, back in the old TechBC days, I worked next to Dan McGuire with only a thin cubicle membrane between us. It was my job to find learning objects (as long as I ignored the accepted definition of … Continue reading

Posted in Webloggia | 2 Comments

One more valuable thing about Northern Voice

To get a sense of how getting people together to share ideas and have fun (I have those priorities listed in the wrong order, but I’m in the office right now) can pay off with enhanced augmented capacity, check out … Continue reading

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Don’t call it a Northern Voice wrap-up. Part one – what worked

Three days last week that were definitely of the drinking water (or beer) from the firehose variety. So insight does not run deep. Rather than attempt a comprehensive overview, I’ll jot down some of the things that in my view … Continue reading

Posted in Webloggia | 10 Comments

Edublogger pre-conference session wrap-up…

… more than ably done by D’Arcy. I’m manic and exhausted, so I’m grateful he did this. When I go back and try to make sense of this all, I will be consulting D’Arcy’s post. And an overview of the … Continue reading

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