Author Archives: Brian

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...

How Canadians Write Code

Extreme Programming / World Cup of Hockey Watching Originally uploaded by D’Arcy Norman. D’Arcy has written a great post about the social dynamics of an extreme programming session. It makes me wish I knew what angle brackets did.

Posted in tech/tools/standards | 1 Comment

Espaces Grand Ouverts — Translators Wanted

I’ve been relieved by the response to my recent EDUCAUSE Review article on wikis. I was terrified at the prospect of SeriousWikiHeads reading the piece and ripping it to shreds, but so far the feedback has been gentle. Among others, … Continue reading

Posted in wikis | 5 Comments

Adventures in Interface [Recycled from Textologies]


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This is for you, James

Thanks to James Farmer for the friendly reminder that this weblog was downright unfriendly to those who prefer to read it through their RSS readers. It was easy enough to reset the settings so that the whole entry was included … Continue reading

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Quote of the day (maybe quote of the month)…

“…blogging seems to be working in practice, but does it work in theory?” From Exploring the Use of Blogs as Learning Spaces in the Higher Education Sector (pdf) by Jeremy B Williams and Joanne Jacobs. Via OLDaily.

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Reuse, recycle, regurgitate

A few of the items I have noted over on the Textologies Weblog, copied and pasted here, for your cross-posted convenience. 1) A hot item bouncing around the Web today is a piece by Paul Graham, entitled The Age of … Continue reading

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Another school term, another weblog

Fall term is here, which means my first full-time teaching gig in five years is underway. So far we’re still in the introductory phase, but even that’s been most cool — the participants are literally all over the world (far … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 1 Comment

What a conference should be…

I’ve spent the past three days at the Instructional Technology Institute Conference at Utah State. I feel bad about my lack of blogging during that time — though not that bad, as I needed to finish my presentation and I’m … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 4 Comments

Cool Tools for Back to School

The new issue of EDUCAUSE Review presents a set of features on some of the groovy tools and applications that are seeping into higher education: “blogs, wikis, swarms and games.” Stephen Downes does a great overview on educational weblogging, one … Continue reading

Posted in Emergence | 3 Comments

Walking the talk — time to deal out some serious abject learning

As if I wasn’t busy enough trying to drive learning object and social software projects into the ground, this fall I’ll be an instructor for a course entitled Text technologies: the changing spaces of reading and writing. Quoting the description: … Continue reading

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