Author Archives: Brian

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...

A plea for help: convergence, not fencesitting?

The number one objection people seem to have to the FenceSitting position (for the NMC 2004 Small Pieces event) is that it straddles a false dichotomy. I couldn’t agree more, so what I propose to do is specifically draw out … Continue reading

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We be moving soon!

Sorry for the downtime over the past couple of days. Apparently, the recent hassles have prompted host David Wiley to pull the plug on the Movable Type weblogs at I’m bummed for all sorts of reasons. I’ve built up … Continue reading

Posted in Administrivia | 1 Comment

With open systems, comes — “gasp” — process

The Small Pieces free-for-all is slowly taking shape. So far, much of the discussion has been framed around process issues (as noted by Alan and D’Arcy, among others), but that’s cool — participants are feeling their way in an open … Continue reading

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It’s quiet. Too quiet.

It may seem like nothing is happening here, but the horrifying reality is there’s too much happening at once. In addition to the normal workload (involving three different half-day workshops to deliver in three days, among other things), I’ve taken … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 1 Comment

Feed2JS — Kickin’ Out the RSS Jams

People who read this weblog regularly are no doubt tired of my incessant shout-outs for Alan Levine. I know Alan is… But Maricopa’s new Feed2JS service really raises the bar for displaying RSS feeds online. I needn’t add any hype, … Continue reading

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The social software juggernaut — coming soon to a PC near you…

I’m going to file this under “no comment”… Bottom-up collaboration is about exposing information and letting others decide what they want. This eliminates one of the biggest barriers to information flow: The fear that something you send out will not … Continue reading

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Why phones are replacing cars…

A rather bold assertion from The Economist. In a social sense, mobile phones are replacing cars: Phones are now the dominant technology with which young people, and urban youth in particular, now define themselves. What sort of phone you carry … Continue reading

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Paper never gets the chance to solidify

I’m down with the essentially anonymous character of wiki co-construction — it may not be a requirement, but it is somehow emblematic of “the wiki way”, whatever the hell that might be… But sometimes I wish people would sign their … Continue reading

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Wi-Fi Freakin’ Futurism Fandango!!!!!!!

I like this line from today’s OLDaily… One of the oldest rules of technology is this: people will use technology in ways it was never intended to be used. Futurists fail endlessly to predict the impact of technology because they … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 1 Comment

Big-time publishing fun with personalization…

I had no idea this degree of customization was possible, though it sounds like the technology was supplemented by a significant degree of elbow-grease… The idea surfaced a year ago at a cocktail party: What if you opened your mailbox … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 1 Comment