Category Archives: tech/tools/standards

It will be an epic Open Access Week at UBC

Open Access shared CC by AJC1 I have a few more substantive posts brewing, but until I get a few minutes and a few more brain cells to rub together… I want to offer my congratulations to the team that … Continue reading

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Ho hum…

…just another day in the onward march toward technotopia. “There is a new gold rush and it’s for the set of basic ideas underlying the software we all use and depend upon. ” — Al Essa “If you’re interested in … Continue reading

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Do you use Internet Explorer? Do you enjoy suffering?

This is hardly a novel point of view, but I simply have to pile on my share of dirt to the dessicated corpse of web nastiness that is the Internet Explorer browser. By all accounts it is still the most … Continue reading

Posted in tech/tools/standards | 7 Comments

The Conversation

A throwaway line in one of yesterday’s posts (“There’s an unmistakable energy out in the community right now, and I feel sorry for the people in our field who have yet to jack into it”), prompted a couple of comments … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning, Emergence, tech/tools/standards, Textuality, Webloggia, XML/RSS | Tagged | 5 Comments

Now, if only someone could help me to visualise the change in my frontal lobe…

Jon Udell’s latest screencast on visualizing change is the usual mind-expanding stuff. I only had a few minutes to follow through on the links, but those few minutes not only snagged me a nifty tool for viewing editorial processes in … Continue reading

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Linkchecking Software – Yes, it’s another cry for help…

I’m working with a unit on campus who have some stimulating challenges ahead of them. UBC’s Careers Online is [one of] the university’s most visited website[s] (about 1,000 distinct visits per day from students). Most of the visitors who log … Continue reading

Posted in tech/tools/standards | 5 Comments

Why we’re (probably) sticking with our (non-optimal) weblog system (for now)

…waiting for MovableType to rebuild 800 posts is but one more reason to wake up and join the WP crowd (yes I will James, no need to spur me on, it’s a matter of time). MT is like, so…. 2002. … Continue reading

Posted in tech/tools/standards | 8 Comments

An international entry in the MultiUserWeblog sweepstakes?

I’ve been following the efforts of James and D’Arcy to assess mutli-user blogging systems with great interest. It’s been clear for some time that our existing weblog project needs to go to the next level if we are to sustain … Continue reading

Posted in News, tech/tools/standards, Textuality, Webloggia | Tagged | 2 Comments

WCET/Edutools LOR Comparative Research Released

Some months back Scott Leslie invited me to pitch in on a Learning Object Repository comparison study he was putting together for the Western Cooperative on Educational Telecommunications (WCET) and Edutools. I had never done anything quite like it before, … Continue reading

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Wired for sound by the miracle of Wikiphonics

Lots of buzz lately on audioblogging and podcasting… Bryan Alexander and DJ Alchemi have posted a number of groovy links that suggest great potential for personal audio and education, and recently D’Arcy has jumped right in with a fine series … Continue reading

Posted in tech/tools/standards | 2 Comments