Change, or be changed

"Skeeter" Prather demonstrating blacksmithing at Rural Folklife Days: White Springs, Florida

Module one of this course has challenged me rethink the role of the educator in the 21st century. Try as we may to predict outcomes of changes in text technologies, we simply do not know how learning will take place in the future. Surely the need for qualified educators will exist, but in what form? The time to answer that question is now, before we join the likes of the “blacksmith” as he pondered how the automobile invention might change his occupation.

I’m Chris Aitken and I am an Instructional Designer for the Educational Enhancement Team at Lethbridge College. Aside from the task of designing courses for classroom, blended, and online formats, I am involved in several professional development projects at the college. I have been working in adult education for about ten years.

I am really impressed with my introduction to the MET program and look forward to course! -CA

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1 Response to Change, or be changed

  1. blamb says:

    Nice reference to the Postman reading…

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