Technology is . . .

Technology is a difficult term to clearly identify because it’s used in so many ways. Presently, technology seems to go hand in hand with digital devices. Personally, in it’s most basic sense, I view technology as a human made tool meant to improve or simplify the task of the users. As well, most technology is developed into forms that were originally unintended and sometimes unwanted. Which leads me to think of a quote by Albert Einstein (1931),
“Concern for man himself and his fate must always form the chief interest of all technical endeavours… in order that the creations of our minds shall be a blessing and not a curse to mankind. Never forget this in the midst of your diagrams and equations. ”

With the rate at which technology is being developed, is anyone even listening to those that raise concerns about the impacts of certain technologies on our society?


Einstein, A. (1931, Feb 17). Address to students of the California Institute of               Technology, Pasadena, California(16 Feb 1931). New York Times, p.6.

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3 Responses to Technology is . . .

  1. Brian Farrell says:

    I love the idea of the Google predictive search. I sometimes wonder about the benefits of technology like this, and I often cringe at the predictive results when I’m using Google in front of a class. Is the machine truly telling us what to think, or is it just one step ahead of us?

    • danny says:

      Hi Brian,

      that’s the danger. It’s being sold as a search that stays ahead of us, but if you begin to trust it and rely on it, doesn’t it start to tell you what to think?

      Oh, but wait. Their motto is “Don’t be evil.” It must be OK. 🙂


  2. mmwong says:


    I love the “google search” picture! It’s actually quite symbolic since I am sure like me others are constantly using “technology” to search for meaning.


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