Author Archives: Brian

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...

A battle of wills, a triumph of the human spirit…

Photo by Kris Krug Seven walk into a room. They won’t leave until a long list of astonishing submissions are vetted, debated, and slotted into something like a schedule. Yes, it’s planning day for the Northern Voice organizing group, hosted … Continue reading

Posted in Webloggia | 1 Comment

Ready for prime-time players? On the reliability of tagging…

I posted last week about a distributed, tool-agnostic, tag-based framework for online discourse. It’s a key component for one of my looming grant applications — in terms of dollars requested it likely won’t be too big, but in terms of … Continue reading

Posted in Emergence | 1 Comment

What’s my fallacy this time? Or, spinning my wheels…

Vancouver got hit with what passes for a blizzard here (the rest of you Canadians can keep your snickering to yourselves) — only a few centimetres, but enough to wreak havoc with unpracticed drivers, and to remind me why Vancouver … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 2 Comments

Leigh Blackall shows how it’s done…

I was an admirer of Sean FitzGerald and Leigh Blackall’s Knowledge Sharing, so it’s a groove and a gas to see the Flickrfied Networked Learning emerge as a follow-up. The images are amazing, the audio compelling — this raises the … Continue reading

Posted in Emergence | 1 Comment

Podcast yummies

Just subscribed to this very promising course on Understanding Computers and the Internet from Harvard. Looks like lots of great stuff that could be useful in a whole lot of online contexts — hey, wasn’t this what learning objects were … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 2 Comments

Small pieces more loosely joined… musings from the fog

I suppose it’s a form of pathetic fallacy to link the five days of fog we in Vancouver are experiencing with the hazy state of my cognition lately. One of the things I’ve been batting around in my so-called mind … Continue reading

Posted in Emergence | 4 Comments

Google Love, Oh Google Love

I’ve noted the odd honours that Google algorithms occasionally bestow on this weblog before. As a Neil Young fan, snagging the top two spots for one of his most famous lyrics is a hit. (Screengrab here.) A fleeting triumph, alas. … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 1 Comment

Just because you’re paranoid don’t mean They ain’t after you…

I know I can wobble off the rationality rail sometimes, using apocalyptic and politicized language about restrictions placed by The Man on self-publishing spaces. But what to make of James Farmer’s being blocked from schools by some faceless, perhaps … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 2 Comments

Grabbag o’ goodness for your computer screen…

My buddy, co-conspirator and guru Jeff Miller, who assures me he will be publicly blogging soon, is in Dubrovnik (lucky bastard), giving what I’m sure was a smashing wikified presentation on emerging technologies for the CARNet Users’ Conference (worth checking … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 2 Comments

Special guest post – Rheostatics do the Tarlek

Herb Tarlek is still ready to sell, but only to the Rheostatics. “Frank Bonner appears as his character, Herb Tarlek, from the sit-com WKRP in Cincinatti that ran from 1978 to 1982. Mr. Bonner apparently gets similar requests all the … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 7 Comments