Author Archives: Brian

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...

Well, that was more complicated than it needed to be…

Well, the migration seems to have been completed, though some of the spam seems to be resisting the powers of MT-Blacklist. It could be a local server issue, a complication arising from the import/export process, or something else entirely. Thanks … Continue reading

Posted in Administrivia | 3 Comments

Oh man, this proposal to save the world sounds ALL too familiar…

An excerpt from Bruce Sterling’s speech at SIGGRAPH 2004: “When Blobjects Rule the Earth”… We are filling the atmosphere, and the seas, and the surface of the planet, and our own bodies, with our industrial emissions and our dead junk. … Continue reading

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“I don’t care what you think” or, “If it feels good, blog it”

I couldn’t help but wince when I read Alan’s recent post on comment-free weblogs… I understand fully the bloggers who have dealt a blow by spam. I have too dealt with the scourge of blog spam, but rather than quitting … Continue reading

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Oh man, this proposal to save the world sounds ALL too familiar…

An excerpt from Bruce Sterling’s speech at SIGGRAPH 2004: “When Blobjects Rule the Earth”… We are filling the atmosphere, and the seas, and the surface of the planet, and our own bodies, with our industrial emissions and our dead junk. … Continue reading

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“I don’t care what you think” or, “If it feels good, blog it”

I couldn’t help but wince when I read Alan’s recent post on comment-free weblogs… I understand fully the bloggers who have dealt a blow by spam. I have too dealt with the scourge of blog spam, but rather than quitting … Continue reading

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The latest from the good Dr. on the Convention “Bloogers”

I posted a short rant the other day about a certain Dr. McPhail who seems to be on a one-man campaign to diminish the standing of weblogs at the Democratic Convention in Boston. A fun update on this wise man’s … Continue reading

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A plague of webloggers

There’s been a fair bit of flapping about the credentialing of about thirty webloggers for this year’s Democratic Convention (a smaller number will likely be at the GOP shindig). I liked David Weinberger’s early take: This event marks the day … Continue reading

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If it’s not one thing…

I apologize to the point of mortification for the quiet in this space. My latest excuse is the troubling meltdown of my laptop — right the now the sucker is comatose. I thought I had backed up my email, but … Continue reading

Posted in Administrivia | 1 Comment

We interrupt your no-doubt breathless anticipation to inform you…

As you may have guessed, this weblogger has been on holidays. I’ll be away from ready Internet access until July 12 — and at that point will begin wading through the onslaught of unanswered queries and commands that have already … Continue reading

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Picking Up Small Pieces

June 17th is here, which means that our presentation for the NMC 2004 Summer Conference, Small Pieces Loosely Joined: Fast, Cheap and Out of Control is only hours away from launch. I don’t want to spend too much time typing … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 1 Comment