Author Archives: Brian

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...

Go hard, or go home

I was turned on to this video via a Tweet from Alec Couros. It may or may not explain the rise of Twitter, but it certainly illustrates that if you bring it hard, the energy can become infectious, and just … Continue reading

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Another open conference, this time I’m shooting my mouth off…

Just a quick note to say how honoured and excited I am to be the kick-off speaker for the Teaching with Technology Idea Exchange in Orem, Utah this week. First off, it’s a pleasure to contribute to an open conference. … Continue reading

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Where is the open education movement going?

cc licensed flickr photo shared by vaXzine I promised myself that when I broke this weeks-long absence from my blog it would be with a post that was neither a) about myself, nor b) about the Open Education Conference. So, … Continue reading

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Are you open enough for OpenEd 2009? Take this handy quiz.

OPEN, originally uploaded by mag3737. I’ve had a few people tell me that while they hope to attend the Open Education Conference (August 12-14 in the shockingly delightful city of Vancouver), they are not sure that their own work or … Continue reading

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Ladies and Gentlemen….

There’s been a fair bit of buzz on Twitter this week about The Coh, some about his ongoing “give me a new nestegg” tour (which I personally can’t afford to top up), some about the music… The National Film Board … Continue reading

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Cross the chasm with us at OpenEd 2009

It’s going to be one hot summer here in Vancouver, as I am thrilled to be one of the co-organizers of the 6th Annual Open Education Conference, hosted by UBC at its downtown Robson Square campus, August 12-14. OpenEd has … Continue reading

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ZEMOS98: Losing my edge never felt so good…

Photo by Julio Albarrán [Audio clip: view full post to listen] Yeah, I’m losing my edge. I’m losing my edge. The kids are coming up from behind. It’s been more than a week since I came home from the Symposium … Continue reading

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as ye sow… towards a reciprocal economy

as ye sow, originally uploaded by Shira Golding. I have about five blog posts of my own stacked up in my mental queue, but I can’t resist pointing at Martin Weller’s latest. I really admire Martin’s gift for expressing complex … Continue reading

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People Like Us live at ZEMOS98

My first day here in Seville for the ZEMOS98 Festival on the theme of Expanded Education was capped off by an unexpected treat, the chance to see one of my long-time heroes, the multimedia artist Vicki Bennett, AKA People Like … Continue reading

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BuddyPress as a university’s social network: case study

BuddyPress: Friends activity, originally uploaded by umwdtlt. It’s exciting to see Jim Groom’s pioneering work integrating WordPress Multi-User with BuddyPress and bbPress not only being recognised, but being pushed forward in the higher ed community. I highly recommend reading an … Continue reading

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