Author Archives: Brian

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...

LOVCOP Presentation wiki

The wiki url is : for those of you participating….

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LOVCOP’s on the scene…

If you read Alan or D’Arcy (and if you don’t you should), you already know that we will be co-presenting a teleconference presentation for Educause’s Learning Objects Virtual Community of Practice entitled What’s the Fuss about RSS?. It would be … Continue reading

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What’s The Pitch?

A novel online resource proposal by David Wiley:

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Total Government Awareness

The folks at MIT’s Media Lab have set up Open Government Information Awareness, in the hopes of creating “a Google of government, a massive Internet clearinghouse of information to help citizens track their leaders as effectively as their leaders track … Continue reading

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N.NE: roadmap for a new syndication standard

Laura Trippi with a characteristically amusing and useful overview of machinations in the tangled world of emerging (converging? diverging?) RSS standards… worth quoting at length: The Log Format Roadmap page lays out the plan. This will be a new syndication … Continue reading

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generate | regenerate | transform

HorizonZero is an online magazine published by the Banff Centre dedicated to Canadian digital arts and culture. This month’s issue is built around the theme of the remix, touching on “DJ/VJ cultures, Aboriginal hip hop, peer to peer collaboration, collage … Continue reading

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Convergence: it’s not just for breakfast anymore…

I’ve been hearing a bit of buzz about the 0.1 release of Chandler, and yesterday finally gave it a go… at this point it merits its miniscule version number, but the notion of integrating email, scheduling, a personal repository integrated … Continue reading

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hypertext/hypermedia/literary weblogs

A colleague here at UBC asked me to assemble a short list of “interesting, inventive and creative weblogs”, particularly ones that “focus on hypertext/hypermedia/literary issues.” I only had a bit of time, during which I compiled the selection below. I … Continue reading

Posted in Administrivia, Emergence, Webloggia | 6 Comments

STLHE Workshop resources

Back from Newfoundland, where I gave a rather ill-tempered presentation at the CADE conference. As much as I’d love to do an hour or two of high-wire, catch-up weblogging… I’m presently occupied putting the finishing touches on a pre-conference workshop … Continue reading

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Light postings ahead…

Not that I’ve been prolific lately, but this space will be quiet until mid-June… taking some holidays and then presenting at CADE in St. John’s and then the STLHE back here in Vancouver. I should be a wreck at the … Continue reading

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