Phase 2: Emerging Markets Research
In Phase 2 of ETEC522, the various emerging markets research teams will take the stage offering, each week, a presentation on an emerging market.
Each of the Research Phase Modules of ETEC 522 covers a separate emerging market, and we would like small groups of students to work together to design and deliver a Market-specific engaging online interactive experience for the whole class for each of the separate weeks covering Modules 4-11. by this point, you should all be formed into our research market teams. If you are not yet clear on what team you are part of, contact your instructors immediately.
For each emerging market, an Opportunity Statement is provided. This is just a launching point. Each Market Team is encouraged to define and describe their emerging market in their own terms, finding a focus, large or small, that enables them to best explore, express and engage the energy of that marketplace for themselves, their fellow students and their instructors.
Market Teams are also encouraged to experiment with online presentation and collaboration tools of their choice in the conduct of their moderation duties, and to submit an evaluation of the effectiveness of these tools upon the conclusion of their assignment. In past years, we have had presentations offered in a variety of spaces/environments, from Weblogs (you are welcome to set up a new weblog for this), wikis, Drupal sites, etc. We do have one requirement for any space used for this presentation. You must make sure that it is possible to feed your discussions back into the ETEC522 weblog space, either through an RSS feed or some other mechanism. Please consult with your instructors if you have any questions about this requirement.
The Emerging Market Analysis Assignment is worth 25% of your total grade. A formal team-based self-assessment of your moderation activity is a required summative contribution due within one week of the completion of your moderation assignment (worth one-fifth of the Assignment #2 grade, or 5% of total grade).