Posts from — December 2009
Thanks Everyone and Goodbye MET!
Hi David squared and everyone,
Thanks for a really interesting course. I learned all kinds of new things and really enjoyed all of the activities and discussions, as well as perusing people’s pitches! I wish I had money to invest, because I think some of you have come up with some really great ideas!
I’ve just handed in the final version of my eportfolio for 590, so it seems that this is it for me! Three years of hard work and I must admit that I’m feeling a little adrift – it’ll be weird not to start each day by logging on to Vista or some other course platform! For those who haven’t yet taken 590 and are curious, feel free to have a look at my eportfolio. I used a platform called (another great tech business!) that offers free flash web sites.
For those who are not finishing up, best of luck on future courses and have a great holiday break!
December 4, 2009 12 Comments
Best Wishes to All!
Hello David Vogt, David Porter, and Fellow Course Mates:
I think this is it! I think this our official last day! It has been an informative and educational journey.
Indeed, you and this course have provided me with a wealth of knowledge for which I am grateful.
Indeed, I wish the best for everyone. Perhaps I will ‘see’ some of you in January 2010 when our next courses ‘kick off’.
In closing, this course has been a great learning experience for me.
December 4, 2009 2 Comments
Augmented Reality Tracking Pitch
This video was posted earlier today and I immediately began to review it as a pitch. Not only is it very interesting pitch it caught my eye because it uses similar technology to my Light Track pitch (camera, projected image, LEDs and computer).
I must say this pitcher had access to more technology/money for his setup which makes the mishmash of technology a lot easier to understand, nevertheless his downfall maybe that he doesn’t apply the technology to a market like the classroom, the boardroom or a video games. In this video it is hard not to get caught up with the “wow” factor but it is certainly an interesting concept which will find some use in the marketplace.
Anyone have any thoughts on uses for this technology or the impact of the pitch?
Skip to 2:35 to see the hardware behind the pitch.

December 3, 2009 2 Comments
Please use the Mod12 category in your pitch post
It will make it easier for us all to find the pitches in one place.
December 2, 2009 2 Comments
Eveline’s Elevator Pitch & Venture Pitch
Sorry for the delay, I forgot to post my pitch after submitting it through email.
Here is my fictional pitch for an online teacher training program.
To provide individuals interested in the teaching field but not able to commit to a full teaching degree, the fully online teacher training course (with a serious game component and various multimedia) will allow individuals to “test run” being a teacher while getting a TEFL certificate upon successful completion of a 1-2 month program.
The online program allows participants to contribute any time, anywhere.
Both pitches are available in the media gallery. (on top, click Media, and then Library, and it will be there).
EYu – Assignment 3 – Elevator Pitch
EYu – Assignment 3 – Venture Pitch
If you want, contact me at, and I can email them to you as well.
December 2, 2009 11 Comments
The infrastructure for curriculum management in the undergraduate medicine program at my university is under strain. While the medicine program has expanded to 3 campuses in a distributed model and enrollment more than doubled, the learning management system (LMS), assessment, scheduling and curriculum management tools have not kept up and are not integrated. The solution is a system developed at a similiar medical school in the University of California at San Francisco. iLios, as it is called, is a curriculum management system which stores the content separately from the LMS in a learning object repository where it is tagged with metadata and can be accessed directly and developed by faculty and staff. Implementing this system here will make it easier to map and improve the curriculum in a way that makes the expansion sustainable.
For a copy of my full pitch email me at
December 1, 2009 No Comments
Access to Full Pitches
Hi everyone –
Just a reminder that if your full pitch isn’t immediately available/linked within your elevator pitch in the Venture Forum, please make it easy for those wanting to do a thorough review to get a copy of it. For example, I’ve suggested people can email me for my full pitch.
If you haven’t provided such information already, please respond to or edit your own elevator pitch with a note explaining the best way for your peers to obtain your full pitch for review.
December 1, 2009 4 Comments