Noah’s Elevator Pitch
Two.o Tutoring
Using open software and free applications, we are able to help set up face to face tutors with an online presence that will not only help them help their clients but also allow them to advertise through social networks.

Full coverage in e-learning e-vesting nburdett_etec_522_pitch
or the highlights…..Pitch etec 522 nburdett
November 28, 2009 13 Comments
Group 4’s Social Technology Ning is Launched!
Hi everyone!
Group 4’s site on “Social Technologies” is now open! You can find it at: . You will need to create a Ning account for yourself, if you are not already a member of Ning. Luckily, it’s free!

Please participate in the discussions, take a survey or two and explore the links. Most of the sections have RSS buttons, so you can pull in the feeds from the site. Probably the best one to use is the “Latest Activity” feed (
Enjoy being a part of our social learning network!
Anthony, Barbara, Cari, Ed, Erik and Noah
Please leave a comment if you have any issues…
October 5, 2009 9 Comments
One Laptop Per Child
One laptop per child posts the following as its mission statement:
Mission Statement: To create educational opportunities for the world’s poorest children by providing each child with a rugged, low-cost, low-power, connected laptop with content and software designed for collaborative, joyful, self-empowered learning.
Personally I view OLPC as great starting point for e-learning as it provides the basic tool required to access the wired world. I once helped ship books to Africa as part of a community service club. It was time consuming heavy and costly. The amount of knowledge that we sent was worth less then the cost of the books. If one could access that information times 100 for only 100$ I think it would be well worth the cost. Here is OLPC cubed, granted it doesn’t work that well.
Market Focus:
OLPC is focused on bringing learning to the poorest countries through the form of a laptop and the software and hardware that it contains. The aim is the K-12 market, with the residuel efect of educating those that care for the children.
Type of Offering:
OLPC offers content and services. The laptop is both hardware and software equipped and training and costume materials can be included.
Who is the Buyer:
So far the buyers have been at the national level including countries such as Nigeria and now Rawanda. The Laptops have been bought on scale to the 100,000 range.
Global Market
The globe is the market, but specifically countries with high rates of poverty and low education.
Development of Market:
Market does not support Learning technologies. The solution will be funded at national or international level. The company tried a buy one give one laptop program.
Learning Technology Competing with other forms of Learning:
OLPC is advocating education. I don not feel as if it views it self as in competition with other forms of education.
September 27, 2009 9 Comments
BainPOP Cubed
BrainPOP describes itself as a creator of animated curriculum-based content which helps to support students and educators through engaging materials. BrainPOP offers lesson plans, video tutorials, quizs, games for most topics and curriculum componenets.
Here is sample video to get started…

Face 1: Market Focus
The market focus is the K-12 public school system. BrainPOP offers curriculum connections from k-12 in Spanish and English.
Face 2: Types of Offerings
BrainPOP is a content developer that create the curriculum based activities that can be access once a subscription our licensing fee is paid.
Face 3: Who is the Buyer?
BrainPOP has done an excellent job in regard to addressing the various levels of purchasing. By offering a variety of purchasing agreement BrainPOP access the level of learning bought for learner and learning bought centrally. Here is a list of the option: school wide, district wide, media lab, classroom, home school, family, or a virtual subscription.
Face 4 – Global Markets
The United States of America and wired Anglophone countries are the primary global markets. Although the content is offered in Spanish this is more for the Spanish speakers within the United States. As for the content it is primarily American centric in that the social studies and history aspects are in coordination with American curriculum organizers. The other aspects are more generally applicable and to offer a wide variety of topics to be explored.
Face 5 – Development of the Market
From my understanding of BrainPOP it would be situated within a market that supports export oriented learning and substitutions of imports. The American curriculum would make it better suited than perhaps a British or Canadian company offering the same products, but could be used in both of those countries as well.
Face 6 – Learning Technology Competing with Other Forms of Learning
BrainPOP works well with a well-developed learning system. In fact, BrainPOP is used as a way to reinforce the already exciting system and not replace it.
BrainPOP is a great resource I recommend trying a free trial….
I have many email addresses because of this feature…..
September 27, 2009 3 Comments
Noah on Recombo 05
Recombo 2005
CEO Credibility:
I think that Brad McPhee’s ability articulate how he and his company have morphed with market forces shows that he and his team are paying attention to the market and are knowledgeable of the field within which they work. McPhee is also able to clearly articulate how his product and services work and how those functions help his clients and make his company solid.
Management Team –
I would be somewhat concerned with the management team. The need to expand the company from 12 to 22 is a serious concern. I think McPhee is aware of these challenges and alludes to them as he emphasizes the need to maintain the company culture. McPhee identifies the challenges, but simply identifying them does not necessarily mean that they can be easily overcome.
Business Model –
A key component is that the company is adaptable. Recombo has a focus on their product and they have a clear goal of a 100 million dollar business. They have lighthouse customer a publishing firm Mindreader and plan to use them as an avenue through which they can access Mindreaders clients. Mindreader has agreed to provide access as Recombo provides financial incentives to Mindreader when business is created through this channel. Recombo is primarily trying to prove their product and services in order to demonstrate success. I think building a solid reputation while working through known avenues will be a great way to move the company to the next step.
Competitive Products –
I wish that McPhee had expanded upon the field in which he operates. From the discussion I was not able to discern what competition Recombo faces.
Market Readiness –
They are ready for the market and are now taking time to build a company name and reputation. By using a proven technology and spreading the word the company will be able to expand and enter a larger market with a proven technology and company.
Technical Innovation –
The recombo connector connects multiple interfaces and systems and eliminates the difficulties of having multiple platforms within a system. The innovation itself is a great product, but as I am not aware of the market place in which it operates I do not know if they have the ability to maintain an edge over competitors.
Exit Strategy –
I think that the exit strategy is not clear. Although they are looking the acquisition by a major player such as IBM, the target range and the price point is not yet decided. I think that a set target needs to be established. Perhaps it is the 100 million dollar price.
Overall Investment Status –
I would invest money with Recombo. But, I would first need to research the market place a little more before entering the arena. McPhee could have elaborated a little more on the competition to build a well rounded view of the company in context. I would also want an exit strategy to be specified.
Is Recombo still in business? It seems that the latest news is from 2008.
Just a few thoughts.
September 20, 2009 No Comments
Noah’s Hello
I’m glad to see so many familiar names and now faces. I guess it is true that we are building a learning community, it just takes a little time. This is my 7th MET course and one that I have been looking forward to since the beginning of the program.
I am now officially a grade one French immersion teacher. This is my first year teaching full time and I am realizing that my cut and paste skills are far superior when the processor isn’t me. I live and work in Vancouver BC and I agree with Ernie that the poor weather has certainly helped focus my energies back to the classroom both living and virtual.
I look forward to working through the materials with all my new and old classmates.
Au revoir
p.s. We took the gondola…
September 9, 2009 1 Comment