Mobile Web Is Taking Over the World (and Other Internet Trends)
I thought you might find this article that was published yesterday intesting, now that we know all about Mobile technologies thanks to the Module 5 team. It is full of financial trend graphs that constrast the economic situation and the tremendous growth potential Morgan Stanley is seeing in Social and mobile technologies:
October 21, 2009 1 Comment
Venture Design and Assessment Resources
Below are a few interesting resources I was able to find regarding Venture Design and Venture Assessment
New Start-up business consulting website
The Impact of New Venture Design on Entrepreneurial Exit Abstract: In this research we examine how the selection and assembly of initial strategic resources (financial, human, and technological) impact the entrepreneurial exit strategy. Our results suggest that an IPO exit strategy is positively related to all three types of strategic resources, while a strategic sale exit strategy is positively related to financial resources or total initial investment, and a sale to an individual exit strategy is positively associated with percentage of ownership, a financial resource. Implications for research and practice are discussed.
Leading With Vision: The Design of New Ventures ‘Design is now readily acknowledged as essential to the enterprise. Andrew Hargadon argues, however, that designers must go beyond the making of individual products and brands to cut across the traditional boundaries within firms to create innovative business ventures. Advocating a new profile of design leadership, Hargadon explains how design principles and practices are uniquely suited to this exciting, multidimensional task.
Heptalysis is a methodology, software solution and set of tools for planning and analyzing startups companies and business ventures
Venture Company Assessment Tool
September 24, 2009 2 Comments
The Business Link is a joint web site- hosted by Govt. of Alberta and the Govt. of Canada.
This web site has many different sections from marketing- financing and includes a section on e-business
September 21, 2009 No Comments
The 60-second Pitch
Hope no one has posted this one yet…I’m finding it a little difficult to sort through all the blog posts here. Google Reader isn’t really helping either. Nonetheless, this article discusses how to make a good impression in one’s pitch. Enjoy!
September 20, 2009 2 Comments
Tech Ventures
Surfing around, I discovered this:
Technology Ventures
Which lead me to some samples resources, such as this:
If you explore, you can find videos, pdfs, sand sample syllibi. This may be useful.
September 19, 2009 No Comments
Internet Resources M2
Just a few links to resources that you may find useful.
Canadian Business Online Get advice, tips and strategies on starting and running a small business in Canada. A decent resource if you can handle the large number of ads.
Instigator Blog Entrepreneurship, Business, Social Media, and Marketing. Down to earth blog articles.
Dragon’s Den TV and Online Business hopefuls pitch their ideas to millionaire investors.
TED TALK: David S. Rose on Pitching to VCs
and I can’t leave this one out:
September 19, 2009 3 Comments
Article on Personal Ventures
This article has some practical views on starting a venture. It’s focus is more on personal entrepreneurship.
September 18, 2009 1 Comment
Two useful pitch resources
The two linked resources below come from TechCrunch.
The first is about enthusiasm and its importance as an element of a product or service pitch. Apple CEO Steve Jobs is the poster child for this resource.
The second is a recipe of sorts that you may wish to consider as you begin to assemble your own pitch for assignment 3 in this course.
This week you have been critiquing pitches, a task that I suspect that you will find more straightforward than crafting your own. It requires a great idea, organizational agility and presentation talent to build and deliver a compelling pitch. Do you have the right stuff?
September 17, 2009 1 Comment