Category — Mod04: Social Technologies
Mobile Web Is Taking Over the World (and Other Internet Trends)
I thought you might find this article that was published yesterday intesting, now that we know all about Mobile technologies thanks to the Module 5 team. It is full of financial trend graphs that constrast the economic situation and the tremendous growth potential Morgan Stanley is seeing in Social and mobile technologies:
October 21, 2009 1 Comment
Facebook podcast
I have come across some podcasts at iTunes U. Look up the Oxford Internet Institute and under that a podcast with Bernie Hogan (Sociologist and Social Network Analyst) on “Facebook: The Strength of Weak Ties”. It looks at and perhaps offers a different view of Facebook and the relationships we have there vs our other relationships.
Facebook is #1 in UK and Canada, MySpace is #1 in US, Orkut is #1 in Brazil and India.
He looks at what happens when people do not participate in FB (for example, within a family) who miss certain interactions because they are not engaged. He talks about how some people equate being online = not being social while others feel the are being social on the internet.
Issues of equality, context, and information overload are also addressed. Enjoy! Sharon
October 16, 2009 2 Comments
Web 0.0: Companies with Seven Customers
Hello Everyone:
After having read this article, I could not help but wonder why entrepreneurs would want to put a lot of money into Web 2.0 companies unless these entrepreneurs simply have an insatiable appetite to create a monopoly within the Web 2.0 world, thus preventing others from building web-based empires. Perhaps it is a matter of conquering cyber space, or making a name for oneself, or steering viewers to their companies over others, or getting people hooked (so companies can charge in the [near] future).
Whatever the reason(s), it is a high stakes game, for there is little or no revenue, despite on-line ads (which I, for example, never pay attention to anyways even though they are geared towards me based on my cyber hits).
Overall, I am thankful that there are some reputable Web-based companies that require payment for their services and/or products, for I find them valuable in my teaching profession.
October 11, 2009 3 Comments
Hello Everyone:
CrowdTrust is more than a Community of Practice (CoP) in that this Web 2.0 company calls for the collective knowledge and wisdom of everyone, not just participants from a single industry or professional arena. Here, industry leaders could utilize the wisdom of the crowd to help explore the various issues and challenges pertaining to urban sustainability in any given community, for example.
CrowdTrust provides space where one’s personal creative commons can become more meaningful and more valuable to you and to others so that things that matter most to an organization, for example, could be explored in a much more cooperative and collaborative manner.
After having viewed the pitch for CrowdTrust, I could not help but think how profitable this venture could be for schools, for example, where the wisdom of the crowd – students, teachers, parents, community stakeholders, administration, and other staff members – could explore and solve various issues, matters, and challenges that inherently exist in any school community.
After all, as with urban issues around sustainability, for instance, school issues around operations and functionality could be deal with by way of collected intelligence, which CrowdTrust secures in its company space.
In sum, in partnership with all stakeholders, I would utilize CrowdTrust in my school because I believe that, through collective knowledge, expertise, information, experiences, and ideas, school issues and matters could be solved much more effectively.
October 11, 2009 No Comments
Module 4 Social Technology Ning RSS
October 6, 2009 1 Comment
Mod04 Social technologies
As you go thru all the Social Technologies tabs please don’t forget to answer the polls, participate in the discussions and enrich our collective knowledge.
October 6, 2009 1 Comment
Privacy concerns online
Check out this interesting link that was reported on the cbc tonight (October 6):
Teens too open online: privacy watchdog
Jennifer Stoddart, the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, has filed her report that looks at 2008 privacy complaint investigations; technology and privacy issues; and the commissioner’s efforts to encourage the development of international privacy standards.
Watch the Video
- Chris Brown reports: Teens too open online, privacy watchdog says (Runs: 2:26)
Or go to the address below and click on the QuickTime or RealMedia links.
October 6, 2009 9 Comments
Identity 2.0
Regarding the link to Dick Hardt of sxip, Inc., delivering his introduction to Identity 2.0 and how the concept of digital identity is evolving.
Simple eXtensible Identity Protocol
I mentioned in a previous post here in Module 4 that I have always been trepidatious about putting my personal information on the internet. My facebook page is an exercise in watching what everyone else is doing…not very valuable in terms of getting any information about me. I am not part of the twitter movement so that people won’t know exactly when I am going to Costco 😉 (as mentioned in the comment by Ed on their module 4 ning)
I like Dick Hardt’s analysis that your virtual identity is what a website knows about you. But another website doesn’t have access to that information. So your identity is site centric. This means that you are entering information about yourself to an infinite number of website registry pages. Not an efficient use of time for the user, nor is it an efficient use of your identity information.
So in the end we aren’t really anonymous in terms of our personal information or identity, so why don’t we have a user centric model where my personal information exists and intersects with the various websites that I interact with?
In our world operating under Web 2.0, Identity 2.0 is inevitable. I agree with him.
And I know that after signing up for a series of networking sites in the last month, that a better way of navigating my way through the internet HAS to exist…and people will seek it out.
October 5, 2009 10 Comments
Group 4’s Social Technology Ning is Launched!
Hi everyone!
Group 4’s site on “Social Technologies” is now open! You can find it at: . You will need to create a Ning account for yourself, if you are not already a member of Ning. Luckily, it’s free!

Please participate in the discussions, take a survey or two and explore the links. Most of the sections have RSS buttons, so you can pull in the feeds from the site. Probably the best one to use is the “Latest Activity” feed (
Enjoy being a part of our social learning network!
Anthony, Barbara, Cari, Ed, Erik and Noah
Please leave a comment if you have any issues…
October 5, 2009 9 Comments
Group 4’s Social Technology Ning is Launched!
Hi everyone!
Group 4’s site on “Social Technologies” is now open! You can find it at: . You will need to create a Ning account for yourself, if you are not already a member of Ning. Luckily, it’s free!

The Social Technologies Bandwagon!
Please participate in the discussions, take a survey or two and explore the links. Most of the sections have RSS buttons, so you can pull in the feeds from the site. Probably the best one to use is the “Latest Activity” feed (
Enjoy being a part of our social learning network!
Anthony, Barbara, Cari, Ed, Erik and Noah
October 4, 2009 1 Comment