Access to Full Pitches

Hi everyone –

Just a reminder that if your full pitch isn’t immediately available/linked within your elevator pitch in the Venture Forum, please make it easy for those wanting to do a thorough review to get a copy of it.  For example, I’ve suggested people can email me for my full pitch.

If you haven’t provided such information already, please respond to or edit your own elevator pitch with a note explaining the best way for your peers to obtain your full pitch for review.




1 dockat { 12.01.09 at 9:35 am }

Oh sorry, I will correct this as I thought the instructors sent out the non-public ones with the list.

2 dockat { 12.01.09 at 11:32 am }

I posted the private link in here in the comments to my venture forum post to help people find it, but then realized that this is a public access site and i probably should have just sent the link through email?…mostly students would dig deep here I guess and he did not put anything too defined for $ so should be OK?

3 David Vogt { 12.01.09 at 2:55 pm }

If you’re uncomfortable with a private link being exposed simply erase it and ask those specific students who want to review it email you for it…

4 Colin Cheng { 12.03.09 at 12:42 pm }

Thanks for the reminder. This seems to be different from the original instructions that were initially sent out.

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