The infrastructure for curriculum management in the undergraduate medicine program at my university is under strain. While the medicine program has expanded to 3 campuses in a distributed model and enrollment more than doubled, the learning management system (LMS), assessment, scheduling and curriculum management tools have not kept up and are not integrated. The solution is a system developed at a similiar medical school in the University of California at San Francisco. iLios, as it is called, is a curriculum management system which stores the content separately from the LMS in a learning object repository where it is tagged with metadata and can be accessed directly and developed by faculty and staff. Implementing this system here will make it easier to map and improve the curriculum in a way that makes the expansion sustainable.
For a copy of my full pitch email me at
December 1, 2009 No Comments
Access to Full Pitches
Hi everyone –
Just a reminder that if your full pitch isn’t immediately available/linked within your elevator pitch in the Venture Forum, please make it easy for those wanting to do a thorough review to get a copy of it. For example, I’ve suggested people can email me for my full pitch.
If you haven’t provided such information already, please respond to or edit your own elevator pitch with a note explaining the best way for your peers to obtain your full pitch for review.
December 1, 2009 4 Comments