The Changing Spaces of Reading and Writing

Technological Tattooing

I stumbled across the proceeding new technologies as I was researching my final project.  While both the implanted touch-screen and electronic ink may bring up images of shocking encounters, I believe the possible applications of these two technologies outweigh their initial reactions.

Could implanted touch-screens be used to help the disabled interact with their environment?  Will body art of the future not only be a symbolic representation of one’s cultural values but literally link them to like-minded individuals on a global scale?  Will both these technologies become a remediation of the physical computer itself i.e., one that is outside of and/or detached from the human body?

Electronic tattoo display runs on blood

February 21st, 2008 by Lisa Zyga

The tattoo display: “Waterproof and powered by pizza.”

Jim Mielke’s wireless blood-fueled display is a true merging of technology and body art. At the recent Greener Gadgets Design Competition, the engineer demonstrated a subcutaneously implanted touch-screen that operates as a cell phone display, with the potential for 3G video calls that are visible just underneath the skin…

Electronic, interactive tattoos

Thu, Jul 2, 2009

Been thinking about tattoos lately. And although this image is not a tattoo I find it really lovely. Especially the lace one….

Here’s the you tube video!

YouTube Preview Image

It’s Bare — a conductive ink for skin. A collaboration between Bibi Nelson, Isabel Lizardi, Matt Johnson, and Becky Pilditch.

October 22, 2009   No Comments