The Changing Spaces of Reading and Writing

The Origins of Silent Reading – Research Project

My assignment was completed on the UBC Wiki format. Please view on the site! I hope I have posted this correctly. Enjoy!


1 Catherine Gagnon { 10.28.09 at 9:19 am }

Well done! I loved your use of the appropriate media.

I am old enough to remember education on radio. When I was in grade 4, there was a teacher strike in schools outside Montreal. After it started to drag on a while, they offered us assignments that could be done from a workbook and using the radio. There was also some remedial work at the end of the strike for those who needed a refresher.

I’ve written online courses and taken a few, but I never liked any of it to that time when education was available on radio. The comparison seems so obvious now. Thanks for the memories!

2 Catherine Gagnon { 10.28.09 at 6:49 pm }

Oops, the comment was meant for the previous post on radio. I guess I scrolled too fast.

3 Delphine Williams-Young { 12.03.09 at 3:29 am }

I enjoyed viewing and reading your wiki and decided to take a different route with mine since I couldn’t change again due to my limited resources. You set a really high standard and I really felt nervous but I managed to complete it after major hiccups with no internet connections at times. Thanks for keeping the discussions alive too when some of us just couldn’t respond as the digital reading took a toll on the eyes. All the best. My students liked my wiki too.

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