Go Global International Service Learning (ISL) is issuing an open call to eligible UBC students to apply to participate in an internship leading a project in Uganda, with our community partner, The AIDS Support Organization (TASO). The overall objective for this project for TASO is to create a coherent strategy and approach to implementing, monitoring and evaluating sustainable livelihood programs for the purpose of improving overall health.
“We are seeking to fill two intern positions as soon as possible for a late August departure. Interns would be in Uganda from late August until December of this year. We are also accepting applications for internships running from January until May 2013. Students need to be currently enrolled (not recently graduated), and we are seeking upper-level undergraduate or graduate students. Each intern will receive a minimum of $6500 to support this opportunity.”
Check the website for more details, or feel free to contact directly. http://www.students.ubc.ca/