Join us in this Field Debrief!
The Field Debrief will focus on “Sensitivities of Affiliation and Information,” which arise when doing fieldwork in difficult settings. It will raise questions of who we affiliate with as researchers, how this provides access to and/or biases information, and what we do with sensitive information that we encounter in our field research.
In 2010-2011, Elaine spent nine months in the DRC, Rwanda and Uganda conducting interviews on transboundary collaboration and community conservation in and around the Central Albertine Rift Transfrontier Protected Area Network. Her research there explored the development of networks of local water user groups for community-based transboundary integrated water resources management for peace and resilience.

Copyright of Elaine Hsiao
Time: Friday December 14th, 12:00-2:30
Location: 3rd Floor BoardRoom at the Liu Institute