Monthly Archives: March 2017

Synthesis of TELE

The past few weeks has been enlightening for me with regards to seeing the range of TELE’s available and the possibilities of their integration.  I summarised my understanding of them in the table below, with particular reflection on how they each used technology as well as the depth of which they used technology.  I felt it was important to consider how much of a learning environment the technology contributes to, as it provides some sense as to what a teacher’s role may become in that environment.  For example, a WISE-based learning environment can become the primary lesson type for a unit, which allows more student independence in their learning.  If this is the case, then the teacher takes on more of a guidance role.  On the other hand, Anchored Instruction, using the Jasper series as an example, only uses technology as a means of content delivery and much of the student work will take place in a more traditional classroom setting.

Technology in the classroom can take many forms, from secondary or even tertiary roles of content delivery to primary roles of create an immersive learning environment.  Looking at T-GEM, WISE, Anchored instruction, and LfU, it is clear that technology’s breadth of abilities translates into an equally broad spectrum of possible uses.  While each method provides its own unique advantages and benefits to learning, I find myself aligning mostly with the T-GEM and LfU approaches, which are both inquiry-based methods that leverage simulations in order to demonstrate phenomena to students.  In both, there are constructivist components that require students to formulate and refine theories as they progress deeper into the concepts.  With science in particular, the inquiry-based approach to understanding the world underlies the scientific method and there is enormous benefit to having students hone this skill through their science career.

The other advantage is that technology provides an alternative to complex and/or expensive lab experiments.  In a traditional classroom, labs and demos are limited by the resources that a teacher can access.  But with technology, simulations can bring the labs and demos to the students in a cost effective and accessible way so that students can experience the science.  These approaches help to expand a teacher’s available tool set.

Synthesizing TELEs

TELEs offer a wonderful and engaging environment for students to learn in. In module B, we looked at many educational technologies that each offered a unique learning experience for students depending on the subject area. As knowledge becomes more interconnected through the internet and programs becomes more open source, it is important for educators to embrace new models. Over the past few weeks, we’ve investigated Anchored Instruction, Web Inquiry Science Environments,  and Learning for Use and T-GEM which have each had their own affordances for generating comprehensive lessons through a specific pedagogical approach.  Through the Jasper Series, students were able to investigate certain topics related to mathematics. However, these problems that they were investigating were rooted in real life situations that they may come across. This allows students to understand the context of the concepts they were learning.  In SKI and WISE, teachers were able to set up a learning environment that allowed students to interactively engage with interactive models and content related to many areas of science. Teachers were able to create projects for the students to complete as well as access ones that other teachers had created for free.  Existing content could even be modified to suit the needs of any classroom. With Learning for Use, Geographic Information Systems were explored. Students have the opportunity to situate their learning and manipulated different mapping software in their community or country. With GIS you are able to have students create mapping using different projections to bring more meaning to their work. The students are able to learn valuable data collection skills and how to input that data into a mapping program to visual their understanding of a phenomena. The T-GEM framework is evident in the program Chemland. This programs allows students to simulate different interactions between chemicals, metals, and other materials. It also allows for the altering of other variables. The T-GEM framework can be applied to a variety of contexts so that students can enhance their understanding of a concept through various simulations.


What I like about using the WISE program is that students are able to engage in a very structured lesson that scaffolds concepts as they explore various lessons. I like how teachers are able to modify and share their work for other teachers are able to use it. Platforms that embrace the sharing of knowledge seem to be more robust because many experts are able to have a hand in the project. WISE is a great program for an elearning or blended learning program.

Authenticating Math Problems with a Synthesis of Learning Theories

To show a synthesis of my learning from Module B, I chose to create a Wordle inspired by my most influential readings from each week. I chose to take keywords from the abstracts of these articles: Pellegrino & Brophy (2008), Kim & Hannafin (2011), Edelson (2001), and Khan (2010).

Although some words I was tempted to hyphenate (such as ‘problem solving’) so that they would appear together, I decided to write the words in as they were and see what happened. I chose this particular font because it reminded me of old foundational stone that was used to create many of the world’s oldest buildings. To me, this represents that although the newness of colour and word clouds may seem flashy, the ideas are set in foundations of research, experimentation, and experience. I found it particularly interesting that design was one of the most popular words amongst the four articles.

The impact on my teaching that the exploration of these learning theories is already evident. As I mentioned in an earlier post after exploring Anchored Instruction (Pellegrino & Brophy, 2008), I decided to create some real-world math problems incorporating my grade 3 students to “help them conceptualize environments where problems tend to reoccur and it becomes useful to invent ways to deal with these reoccurances” (p. 283). I try to allow some choice within the problem:

Today’s problem: Payton has $___ to spend at La Lune Candy Shoppe. If he buys 5 _____ for $0.50 each, how much money will he need? How much money will he have left after he buys them? 

In addition to the problem, I provide a photo of the student displayed on the Smart Board that shows them acting out the problem. I allow students to work within their desk pods and have only stepped in to guide the presenting of answers in sentences and to review mathematical concepts (i.e. regrouping with addition and subtraction).

Whereas anchored instruction is all about situating learning in our learner’s environment, scaffolding (Kim & Hannafin, 2011) consists of staging achievable steps that are within reach but just slightly out of the comfort zone that are appropriate for the individual learner. Taking my math problems, it may be necessary for me to intervene and guide more with some students than others. Another idea could be to extend the same problem for advanced students.

Learning-for-Use (Edelson, 2001) integrates the above but focusses on retrieval. This is where my math problems come into play because they are taking math concepts we have explored already this year and calling upon the retrieval of these concepts. By showing students. Designing and interweaving “well-defined, guided investigation activities” (p. 362) throughout my math instruction will help to embed these concepts for many students.

T-GEM (Khan, 2010) is where I feel that I can bring this in altogether. Now that we have done a few weeks of these problems, I am having students generate ideas for their own math problem. Together, we are going to evaluate the problem they would like to create and that it is solvable. Students will be required to create an answer key for their problem and evaluate whether they have a one-step, two-step, or three-step problem. After peer and teacher review, students can modify their problem to make sense for the class and capture a photo, utilizing technology, that showcases their problem and the people in it. Finally, inspired by a project that students described in one of the videos we watched in Module A, this project will be compiled into a class book and sent home for “homework” over spring break. Trust me, grade 3’s get VERY excited about homework at this stage :).

It has been very engaging for myself and my students to see this evolving project emerge in our classroom. I look forward to completing it with my students and appreciate the synthesis of my learning throughout this module that has emerged.


Edelson, D.C. (2001). Learning-for-use: A framework for the design of technology-supported inquiry activities. Journal of Research in Science Teaching,38(3), 355-385.

Khan, S. (2010). New pedagogies for teaching with computer simulations. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 20(3), 215-232.

Kim, M. C., & Hannafin, M. J. (2011). Scaffolding problem solving in technology-enhanced learning environments (TELEs): Bridging research and theory with practice. Computers & Education, 56(2), 403-417.

Pellegrino, J.W. & Brophy, S. (2008). From cognitive theory to instructional practice: Technology and the evolution of anchored instruction. In Ifenthaler, Pirney-Dunner, & J.M. Spector (Eds.) Understanding models for learning and instruction, New York: Springer Science + Business Media, pp. 277-303.

TELE Synthesis

In reviewing the four pedagogical theories, several common threads are noticeable throughout.  First and foremost, all of the theories are rooted in the theory of constructivism – the notion that learning occurs through an active process, not a passive one.  Students construct their own learning through specific, active and repeated experience and activity, not by simply being told the information (Fosnot, 2013).  It is upon reflection of these novel concepts that prior understandings and ideas are consolidated into a single, new understanding.  The role of the educator is primarily as a guide, assisting students along their path through the exploration of these exercise and activities and not as a conveyer of information, dispelling information through lecture and notes.  Through these process, students are able to acquire a deeper understanding, typically, through inquiry.  Another similarity among the four pedagogical techniques is the use of technology to motivate and engage the student.  Motivating students is a commonality amongst the four theories as this single factor helps facilitate and inspire the learning one hopes for in a classroom.

The primary difference amongst the four pedagogies is how they intend to specifically accomplish the overall goal of changing student learning.  While each of the theories are inspired and propelled by constructivism, they each have specific tenants that differentiate among them.   For example, anchored instruction (and Jasper) is situated in the context of a problem-solving dilemma (Cognition and Technology Group, 1992).  In this regard, students are faced with the task of utilizing new theories, concepts, and principles to guide their thinking.  The scaffolded knowledge integration framework (and Web-based Inquiry Science Environment) takes on a more research-based approach in which students complete a technology-based project to access, support, and challenge their ideas (Linn, M., Clark, D., & Slotta, J., 2003).  The Learning-for-Use model (and MyWorld) also utilizes an inquiry-based approach with educational software (Edelson, D.C., 2001).  However, this model combines the subject content and its associated processes, for instance, through the use of geographic visualization and data analysis.  Finally, T-GEM (and MyChem) is experimental-based and uses a cyclical pattern of generating, evaluating, and modifying hypotheses to refine student concepts (Khan, S. 2007).

It is evident that technology and web-based activities can be used in a great variety of methods to accomplish effective learning.  Students need to be guided through their learning by the instructor and in doing so, are also provided a multitude of activities and experiences that allow students to challenge their preconceived notions.   Any of the above pedagogical models can be successful in inspiring and engaging students with materials, but the choice of which to use in any lesson will likely depend on both the material being taught and the availability of resources to assist in learning the material.


Fosnot, C.T. (2013). Constructivism: Theory, perspectives, and practice (2nd ed.). New York: Teachers College Press.

Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt. (1992). The Jasper experiment: An exploration of issues in learning and instructional design. Educational Technology, Research and Development, 40(1), 65-80.

Edelson, D.C. (2001). Learning-for-use: A framework for the design of technology-supported inquiry activities. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 38(3), 355-385.

Linn, M., Clark, D., & Slotta, J. (2003). Wise design for knowledge integration. Science Education, 87(4), 516-538.

Khan, S. (2007). Model-based inquiries in chemistry. Science Education, 91(6), 877-90.

Oh the places I’ll now go…

ETEC 533 – Synthesis Forum – Compare and contrast T-GEM and Chemland with Anchored Instruction and Jasper, SKI and WISE, LfU and MyWorld


As I just learned about the Cmap program from our T-GEM readings (Khan, 2012) I attempted to use that platform for my synthesis chart. While it worked on some levels, I feel that the overall effect is less cohesive and more scattered looking than I would have liked, which is a good learning experience for me. In the future, I think I would try to use a different platform for a compare/contrast piece (or perhaps I just need to develop my experience and knowledge of the Cmap program further).

Cmap references:

Edelson, D.C. (2001). Learning-for-use: A framework for the design of technology-supported inquiry activities. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 38(3), 355-385.

Kim, M.C., & Hannafin, M.J. (2011). Scaffolding problem solving in technology-enhanced learning environments (TELES): Bridging research and theory with practice. Computers & Education, 56(2), 403-417.

Linn, M., Clark, D., & Slotta, J. (2003). Wise design for knowledge integration. Science Education, 87(4), 517-538.

Synthesis Forum Response:

In his book, World Class Learners: Educating Creative and Entrepreneurial Students, Yong Zhao (2012) addresses the fact that “the new survival skills – effective communication, curiosity, and critical-thinking skills – ‘are no longer skills that only the elites in a society must muster; they are essential survival skills for all of us’ (Wagner, 2008, p. xxiii)” (p. 8). Zhao explains that Wagner (2008) “observed that the longer our children are in school, the less curious they become” (p. 10) and references separate data demonstrating a decline in students’ creativity once they enter the school system, and a continued decline in creativity as students get older (Gardner, 1982; Land & Jarman, 1992 as cited by Zhao, p. 10-11).

These are points that I feel are addressed well within the four technology-enhanced learning environments that we have explored in Module B. While I recognize that each learning environment is unique, I feel that many of the overarching intentions and goals were very similar in the way they addressed student learning through inquiry. As Edelson (2001) points out, “traditional educational practice emphasizes achievement-based motivation and assumes that such motivation carries over to all content” (p. 373); however, the four environments presented in Module B instead establish inquiry-based learning environments for students, rather than a more traditional system based on imparting knowledge through repetition and memorization of facts and concepts delivered.
In all cases, the learning environments had the potential to be adapted to support various academic subjects, as well as being accessible for students of varying grade levels, from elementary to college/university level. While T-GEM appeared better suited to a single concept or theory, SKI/WISE, LfU, and Anchored Instruction all seemed to apply well to projects involving multiple concepts or theories, and had the potential to allow educators to incorporate cross-curricular content more easily. Throughout the development of each learning environment, students were encouraged to examine and question data and information, and learning was student-centred, with the teacher there to guide, rather than to impart knowledge. All four learning environments promoted exploration of data and collaboration between peers, as well as inclusion of all students present in the diverse classrooms of today.

There are some key concepts that have stood out to me above the rest, and that will continue to impact my teaching beyond the parameters of this course. In terms of Anchored Instruction, I realized that I have tended to “coddle” my students too much, rather than allowing them to immerse themselves in multi-step problems and work through those problems collaboratively with their peers. I realize now that students must be given the opportunity to explore multi-step and abstract concepts and problems, regardless of the fact that they might find them “too difficult”. As Hasselbring, Lott, & Zydney (2006) point out, students “need to acquire the knowledge and skills that will enable them to figure out math-related problems that they encounter daily at home and in future work situations” (no page number available). Moving forward, I am going to try to allow students to struggle more often in an attempt to help them feel comfortable with the uncomfortable feeling that struggling may create for them. If we consider life, we all struggle at one point or another, so it makes sense that students should be given that ‘real life’ opportunity early on when we are able to guide them as needed within a safe and controlled environment, while at the same time building inquiry skills, along with perseverance and resiliency.

In relation to Learning-for-Use, the emphasis by Edelson (2001) and Bodzin, Anastasio, and Kulo (2014) on making learning environments not just accessible for students but also more applicable to ‘real life’ situations stood out for me. Concepts cannot be taught in a way that students then only associate their learning with the classroom; we must teach to connect students with their lives and experiences outside the classroom so that they will be able to access and recall information they have learned as it applies to various situations within their lives, rather than storing facts through memorization that they may not remember in the future when needed (Edelson, 2001).

While I had never used WISE before, I was very impressed by the potential of the projects posted and of projects that could be created using the WISE learning environment. It reminded me that every subject I teach, especially as I now teach at an elementary level, has the potential to become a cross-curricular project that involves most areas of the curriculum. Science can so easily be combined with aspects of social studies, language arts, physical education, and art. I am still working to build more cross-curricular units to avoid the traditional single-subject teaching approach, and I feel that the incorporation of WISE projects could help me both with this transition, as well as increasing engagement and motivation in my classroom through the introduction of a technology-based learning environment.

Finally, in the T-GEM learning environment, the concept of promoting a cyclical pattern of inquiry and learning discussed by Khan (2007; 2010) was what impacted my thinking the most. Instead of simply providing students with the information they will need to know, the T-GEM model allows students to collaboratively generate ideas (perhaps correct, perhaps incorrect), and then to interactively create hypotheses as they examine and evaluate data, then re-examine and modify relationships between data and ideas/hypotheses generated on a given concept. While the T-GEM examples examined by Khan were based in a post-secondary setting, my own exploration was for a grade 4 science concept, showing the adaptability of the T-GEM model.

I find that I still stop short of creating a truly inquiry-based learning environment in my classroom because I continually worry about time constraints. However, by integrating or even combining the learning environments explored in Module B, I believe I will ultimately be able to cover more concepts (by integrating content from across the curriculum into various tasks) while at the same time creating a student-centred, inquiry-based learning environment in my classroom. Ultimately, what appealed most to me about these four learning environments was the way they all created inquiry-based, technology-enhanced learning environments that made learning memorable by connecting student learning inside the classroom to ‘real life’ experiences and issues outside the classroom. In the words of George Veletsianos, “what is the value of a learning activity if it’s not memorable?” (Veletsianos, 2011, p. 43).

Response references:

Bodzin, A. M., Anastasio, D., & Kulo, V. (2014). Designing Google Earth activities for learning earth and environmental science. In MaKinster, Trautmann, & Barnett (Eds.) Teaching science and investigating environmental issues with geospatial technology (pp. 213-232). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. Retrieved from

Hasselbring, T. S., Lott, A. C., & Zydney, J. M. (2006). Technology-supported math instruction for students with disabilities: Two decades of research and development. Washington, DC: CITEd, Center for Implementing Technology in Education ( Retrieved from:

Khan, S. (2012). A Hidden GEM: A pedagogical approach to using technology to teach global warming. The Science Teacher, 79(8), 59-62.

Veletsianos, G. (2011). Designing opportunities for transformation with emerging technologies. Educational Technology, 51(2), 41-46. Retrieved from

Zhao, Y. (2012). World class learners: Educating creative and entrepreneurial students. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

Technology Enhanced Learning Experience (TELE) Synthesis

In module B we explored four foundational technology-enhanced learning environments (TELE). These were Anchored or Situated Instruction featuring the Jasper Series, Web Inquiry Science Environment (WISE) and Scaffolded Knowledge Integration (SKI) using the science and math based WISE projects available on their website, Learning For Use (LFU) model with MyWorld GIS and ARCGIS mapping systems, and Technology – Generate, Evaluate, Modify (T-GEM) demonstrated with Chemland.

The advantage of TELEs is the affordance to provide creative technology integration that supports effective pedagogy in the science and mathematics classroom. Technology proficiency for students and the integration of technology into the classroom is critical for today’s 21st century learners. However, in order to maximize positive results, the pedagogical approach of technology should be encouraging students to make the activity and the content personally meaningful (Barab, 2000), which these four foundational learning environments accomplish.

This synthesis compares and contrasts the four TELEs explored throughout this module in different ways.  First I created a graphic web using Inspiration, in order to organize my ideas and understanding into categories. This allowed me to synthesize the roles and affordances of each TELE. The second comparison took the form of a Venn diagram allowing me to consolidate the similarities and differences between the four TELEs. These diagrams are included below (follow the link for readable copies).

Technology Enhanced Learning Experience pictures



The Jasper Series was based on providing a real life context for solving mathematical challenges for students. It allows for a much more student centred approach to using mathematics than traditional text book lessons. This series also addresses the age old question of “why do we have to learn this?” as the math is embedded in the stories and within the challenge. This method promotes a method of learning which is rooted in reality and anchors the concepts to problem, providing students with a real purpose to understanding the math rather than just learning it out of context and by rote. The video itself is not customizable, however I think the challenges could be changed or modified in different ways to suit the information provided in the video.
(I tried out the Rescue at Boone Meadow video with my class of grade 7 students and found they were engaged in the story (context) and were quick to figure out what mathematical information was required in order for them to try to solve the problem. None of them whined about it being too hard or too much for them).

WISE and SKI – was a specific platform providing a wide range of topics that made science accessible to students and made thinking visible through simulations and models. It allows for collaboration as well as a student paced model as they can work through the project at their own pace or one suggested by the teacher. Teachers can modify the projects to fit their own classroom expectations. Although there is a wide variety of projects available on WISE, they are all specific in nature and generally address a specific scientific concept.

LFU – MyWorld GIS – is a framework which allows for many constructivist principles, such as learning through constructing and modifying existing knowledge, learning is initiated by the learner therefore the learner is engaged in order to build upon pre-existing knowledge and understanding. This platform is easily modified by the student or the teacher just by choosing different data sets with which to manipulate the maps. In Learning for Use platforms, the use is quite specific in that the data here is specifically around maps, mapping, and geographical information. These premises could be integrated into other areas of curriculum, but still with a specific purpose.

T-GEM – Chemland is a specific platform aimed at secondary or post-secondary students. The ideas are sophisticated and although the students can manipulate the simulations to some degree, they are focused on one aspect of the concept. Teachers cannot modify the simulations to suit the conditions in their own classrooms. The T-GEM framework is easily adaptable to other types of simulations where students can manipulate the data, evaluate, and modify their understanding as more information is acquired.



As a middle school teacher in an elementary school setting, I found some of these platforms intriguing and suitable for use with my students, and others I found way too difficult for them to manage without frustration, or the concepts were too advanced for the curriculum. However, all of them followed the tenets of constructivism and problem solving. These approaches such as anchored instruction, problem solving, scaffolding, knowledge construction, and evaluative reasoning, should not be limited to just mathematics and science, but could be applied to all areas of the curriculum. One of the greatest affordances of the TELE is the power of visualization and being able to add a visual image, model, or simulation to the students learning experience.

Two key concepts in my evaluation are student misconceptions and constructing new knowledge. Misconceptions are identified, created or dispelled by constructing new knowledge and modifying thinking to adjust for the new understanding. With guidance from the teacher, along with built in reflections in the technology, misconceptions can be corrected or modified. This is an important step in order to make sure that misconceptions are not perpetuated or new ones created. I now have a much greater awareness of how students create misconceptions, and how to find efficient, meaningful ways to dispel these misconceptions.

The incorporation of TELE is something all teachers can benefit from, particularly those in math and science disciplines. Pedagogy matters when it comes to any instructional tool and why the implementation of any TELE should be rooted in effective teaching strategies and not just something used without purpose. My pedagogical approach and purpose for using technology is the most important factor when it comes to choosing a platform to use with my students. Teachers must use technology with intention and purpose, the ability to modify some of the TELEs speaks to this, whereas others would need to be chosen carefully to make sure they fit the parameters and meet the needs of the lesson and the students. Although I strive to make this a priority in my own teaching, I realize that there is so much more out there than I can integrate to make my students learning environment much richer.



Jasper in Action

I really liked the premise of the Jasper series, in spite of the fact they were a little dated, and so I tried one of them out with my grade 7 class as part of their Kingdom Day Challenge. I searched them out and found a couple of the original videos on youtube, Boone Meadow and the Recycling Challenge. Today we watched Boone Meadow as it ties in with a few things we are doing in class. The students worked in their Kingdom Groups of 5 students in each group. The groups are heterogeneous.

The students were quite engaged in the video and it did not take too long before a few students realized that they should be making notes about the information being given in the video. One student asked if we could replay the first bit so they could make notes about the information and I obliged. Other students soon caught on and started to keep notes also. They seemed to enjoy the characters in the video and appreciated the story line. Once the challenge question was given, the students started to figure it out and soon realized they needed some of the other information they had seen in the video, but had not realized they might need later. The beauty of the video on the Smartboard is they could go back and view the actual frames to find the place in the film for the information they needed. They could move the pointer back and forth as many times as required in order to find the information, and many of the students took advantage of this. The picture below shows a couple of the students checking this out.

All in all, I found the exercise quite rewarding in that the students were engaged and motivated to find the solution to the challenge. There were a few different solutions and I am looking forward to the discussion we will have around them tomorrow.


Chalk and Talk is Dead…

Chalk and Talk is Dead …

How Do We Make Student Centric Learning Mainstream?

One of the problems in education is that we seem to be eternally in a circle of doing the next best thing. Bandwagon jumping should be an Olympic sport for consultants and administrators.  While consultants are expected to show classroom teachers the new and exciting that often translates into abandoning older techniques that work. Administrators hear about a new idea from the consultants and believe it means drop everything and do this NOW! Why does common sense seem to fly out the window? I am constantly reminded of the phrase, “Common Sense is not so common”.

My role as an educator is to look at my curriculum, understand my student’s individual needs and decide how best to present the material. Yes, some days that does mean I do direct teaching. But I do not use this method all day every day for every subject, which historically has been how students were taught. Technology has afforded us the opportunity to open new worlds to our students. My school is very manipulative poor. I do not have the materials to run labs and simulations in my classroom for each subject. Technology to the rescue. I can do the next best thing, videos, animations and simulations on devices.

In our posts so many of us in the MET program talk about the same things: we need teachers to buy in to using technology WELL (Well here means to enhance lessons and expose students to new ways of thinking- it does not mean have students read text on the screen and answer in a private word document- at least in my opinion), we need training time for teachers and time to try the technology, we need decreased curriculum expectations so we can do justice to the material we are teaching and not feel like we are trying to sprint a marathon. We need reliable, accessible devices and lots of band width. If we take these things as agreed upon synthesizing the information from the four technology formats we have looked at becomes a little less daunting.

I spent a lot of time looking at Anchored Instruction (Jasper Woodley), the Web-based Inquiry Science Environment (WISE) Project which uses Scaffolded Knowledge Integration (SKI), Learning for Understanding (LfU) using  the geographic visualization and data analysis environment (GIS) and the technology enhanced Generate, Evaluate and Modify (T-GEM) format of Chemland. While I realize, I viewed these processes from the point of view of an elementary educator of grades 6-8 I also tried to look at them from the point of view of a primary educator and a high school educator.

My first thought was this: Kids are always more capable than we give them credit for. In varied doses, I could see using each of these methodologies with every grade level. All four choices are based on constructivist pedagogy where students construct their own knowledge versus being told information and expected to regurgitate it on old fashioned assessments. While some examples that were provided in each lesson were perhaps grade specific the actual pedagogy could be adapted to all.  I could see anchored instruction being successful with all grade levels.

A review of the four methodologies:

  1. Anchored instruction is based on case-based learning (Hallinger, Leithwood, & Murphy, 1993), problem-based learning (Duffy, Lowyck, & Jonassen, 1993) and project-based learning (Dewey, 1933) (Khan, 2017. ETEC 533 Class notes, Module B week 5).  Students solve problems based on real life situations that they can relate to “the assumption is that given an authentic context where mathematics is used students will develop a sense of agency that involves them in identifying and posing problems and systematically exploring possible solutions (Khan, 2017.  ETEC 533 Class notes, Module B week 5).


  1. According to our class notes (Khan, 2017. ETEC 533 Class notes, Module B week 5):

WISE stands for the Web-based Inquiry Science Environment.

The WISE research team’s goal is to help prepare math and science students to consider he Internet as a learning resource. But WISE researchers recognize that just making science and math facts available on the Internet does not necessarily mean that learning will occur.

WISE scaffolds student inquiries on pivotal science cases and allows teachers to author their own cases to fit with their curriculum.

The foundational principles involved in WISE include: the scaffolded knowledge integration (SKI) framework, cognitive apprenticeship, intentional learning, and constructivist pedagogy.

  1. LfU and GIS

The goal of LfU is to incorporate real life problems into learning activities so that the material becomes meaningful and students are better able to recall what they have learned when it is relevant (Edelson, 2011 p. 356). The LfU model is based on four principles that incorporate constructivism, constructionism and situated cognition:

  1. Learning takes place through the construction and modification of knowledge structures.
  2. Knowledge construction is a goal-directed process that is guided by a combination of conscious and unconscious understanding goals.
  3. The circumstances in which knowledge is constructed and subsequently used determine its accessibility for future use.
  4. Knowledge must be constructed in a form that supports use before it can be applied. (Edelson, 2011 p. 357)

Learning for Understanding (LfU) uses My World GIS (Geographic Information System) a geographic visualization and data analysis environment

My World researchers have been exploring the hypothesis that scientific visualization, incorporated into inquiry-based learning, can enable students of diverse abilities to develop an understanding of complex phenomena in the Earth and environmental sciences.

  1. According to our class notes (Khan, 2017. ETEC 533 Class notes, Module B week 5):

T-GEM using Chemland

Technology attempts to support and scaffold students’ making connections among various abstractions..T-GEM stands for Technology-enhanced Generate-Evaluate-Modify. T-GEM is a teaching and learning approach used to foster learners’ conceptual understanding and development of inquiry skills. These outcomes are fostered when teachers ask their students to generate rules or relationships, evaluate them in light of new conditions, and modify their original rules or relationships.

Chemland is a suite of computer simulations and interactive tools representing relationships of macromolecular phenomena in chemistry, such as the relationship between heat capacity and particular compounds.

Key words from each:

  1. Anchored Instruction:

case-based learning

problem-based learning

project-based learning

authentic context

identifying and posing problems

systematically exploring possible solutions

  1. WISE/Ski


intentional learning

cognitive apprenticeship

constructivist pedagogy

  1. LfU

scientific visualization

inquiry-based learning



  1. T-GEM

scaffold students’ making connections

foster learners’ conceptual understanding

development of inquiry skills




What do each of these methods have in common? They are all active learning scenarios where students construct their own knowledge in a given area. Each one has its strengths and is worth using in the math and science classroom in specific modules or units. Utilizing the strengths of each format would create a dynamic class where students actively learn and construct their knowledge. Each method also provides students with an opportunity to adjust their thinking and identify their misconceptions. The important part is that they all allow the student to be active learners.

How are each of these methods different? They all use a different format to allow students to construct their knowledge whether it be by video cases, simulations or using interactive maps to solve problems. Each has its own nuances, examples and structure.

How does all this impact my teaching? I can see using these methods in my grade 6-8 class. They are all effective methods for active learning in a given scenario and all seem like they allow for cross curricular connections. For example, I could see using the GIS maps to allow students to discover the Pacific Ring of Fire. They could manipulate the base maps and see what areas are highly populated and highly volcanic. No matter which base map they choose to use they could then do some integrated math by choosing different zones to draw on the maps and calculate the total area involved. Students could then zoom in on maps and plan an escape route for a highly-populated area. They could look at modes of transportation available and distances that would need to be travelled.  Students could choose a method and look at the cost feasibility. You could follow the T-GEM model here allowing students to generate ideas about escape routes, evaluating their choice with specific examples and then allowing them to modify their choice if they feel another route is more desirable. This could lead directly into the Jasper Woodley unit on Trouble at Boon Meadow. This could lead into the unit on flight that would incorporate PhET simulations.

Totally exciting!

As a visual for this unit, I created an infographic. I used gears to represent content and methodology as they are parts of a whole machine that must work cohesively if the machine is to function at all.

The funnel leads into the active learning and from there sharing and collaborating. In the end, this machine creates collaborative, critical thinking problem solvers.

Synthesis Infographic



Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt (1992a). The Jasper experiment: An exploration of issues in learning and instructional design. Educational Technology, Research and Development, 40(1), 65-80

Edelson, D.C. (2001). Learning-for-use: A framework for the design of technology-supported inquiry activities. Journal of Research in Science Teaching,38(3), 355-385

(Khan, 2017.  ETEC 533 Class notes, Module B week 5).

Khan, S. (2012). A Hidden GEM: A pedagogical approach to using technology to teach global warming. The Science Teacher, 79(8). This article was written about T-GEM with middle-schoolers.


Module B TELEs Summary and Synthesis

Anchored Instruction & Jasper SKI & WISE LfU & MyWorld T-Gem &


Description Learning and teaching activities should be designed around an “anchor” which is often a story, adventure, or situation that includes a problem or issue to be dealt with.


SKI describes Scaffolded Knowledge Integration and WISE is a web-based science inquiry environment designed to promote “life-long learning” in science. Learning for Use is a framework created with learning environment designers in mind for content intensive, inquiry-based science activities.


Chemland simulations have the potential to be used with the T-GEM approach as well as for promoting student engagement.
Components Anchored instruction is knowledge-centred and learner-centred, as well as focuses on assessment. Extremely flexible and easy to adapt. Based on four principals and three pillars* T-Gem focused on  Technology Pedagogy Content Knowledge (TPCK)
Goals Because the activities are in the form of a story thinking is visible; it allows for self-directed learning. Similar to Anchored Instruction thinking is visible.  WISE promotes collaboration and lifelong learning. LfU aims to motivate students as well as construct their understanding.  Students must also refine their thinking.  LfU is goal-directed, using scaffolding in the application of knowledge.  The context in which material is acquired is important. The teacher acts as a guide to help students generate information, engage and evaluate their ideas.  Modifications are made as needed.  Learning is  student-directed.
Theories · Inquiry-based

·Cognitive theory


·Activity theory


·Cognitive theory


·Activity theory


·Situated learning Theory


·Cognitive theory


·Activity theory

· Inquiry-based

·Cognitive theory


·Activity theory

* Edelson, D.C. (2001). Learning-for-use: A framework for the design of technology-supported inquiry activities. Journal of Research in Science Teaching,38(3), 355-385.


Entering this module, I really did not have any formal knowledge about TELEs. I have definitely acquired tools that I can see myself applying in my future class.  I especially liked the WISE learning platform, because it easy to use as well as easy to edit.  Many sites that I come across are not ELL friendly and I have to do significant modifications to use them in my classes, WISE presented itself as straightforward and student friendly all while getting the necessary information across to students.  I won’t lie there are many times as a science teacher I am overwhelmed; the balance between covering outcomes and ensuring technology is introduced in class is always a challenging one.  Nevertheless, I am making it my responsibility to increase my use of technology enhanced learning environments in my classroom.  I really do believe that these environments allow students to enhance their thinking and take their science knowledge to another level.  Allowing students to make mistakes, reflect, and remodel their thinking on whatever topics are covered, allows students to grow in their learning.  I think as a teacher that we are rushing so much to cover and finish our material that we do not allow enough time for students to reflect on their learning and make the necessary changes to achieve maximum success.  Very interesting module, thank you.