Web 0.0

The web 0.0 article was a good read. I have often wondered what the revenue model is for a lot of this web 2.0 activity and thought that maybe I was missing something.  Certainly for some services, humanistic, creative commons attitudes drive development (as opposed to annoying pop ups and blinking banner ads.) It was interesting to read about Twitter’s founder.  He can obviously afford to forge ahead without a solid game plan.  Internet users are more than happy to use free services (even if it is free as in beer and not free as in speech).


1 David Vogt { 10.03.09 at 10:51 am }

The 0.0 article is stimulating toward upcoming M4 thoughts. You can’t blame the Googles of the world, nor the web itself – we have only ourselves to point fingers at here. We love social web tools, but so far we’ve only been willing pay for them with our souls (our identity is traded to advertisers) rather than with money.

I view this prevailing web 2.0 business model of “identity taxation” as an inevitable part of the social growth of the Internet, analgous to the growth of a child. The phase we’re in now (web 2.0) is like elementary school age – we’re overwhelmed and gleeful about discovering people and being social, but we haven’t yet begun to chafe at the fact that we have no true autonomy or independence. I suggest the next phase (not necessarily named “3.0”) will be like teenage years – a somewhat rough period of emancipation where personal identity and freedoms will emerge. With that comes responsibility, and therefore the emergence of more mature business models.

2 Iris Chan { 10.04.09 at 1:00 am }

The notion of trading our identities for these “free” social web tools is a very sensitive issue. It seems know the risks of such “identity taxation” but they are willing to do it because everyone else is doing it. It seems like as long as the collective group is doing it, the majority of individuals will also participate. In this current world, how important is our identity? Are we making too much or too less of a deal in regards to who we are. The information that advertisers gather is used to create more customized products. Is that really a bad thing? What are people truly afraid of? Should we be afraid of “losing” control over who we are? Interesting.

3 Noah Burdett { 10.04.09 at 5:20 pm }

I think that we should be afraid of losing control over who we are. As those lagging behind the pull of web 2.0 catch up they may realize that they cannot participate in certain conversations if someone has been banned because of previous activity and was using their information as a front.

Think of the ebay seller that has a horrible rating for selling fake goods and you find out that person is actually you and now you can’t sell your collector beanie babies.

But seriously, as the web is now interactive I think it is important to know who you are interacting with and to know that someone is not try to be you.


4 Erica T { 10.05.09 at 6:55 pm }

I like the way Iris words her comment “the notion of trading our identities for these “free” social web tools”. Before I embarked on this MET degree, I even refused to put any pictures on facebook (of myself, friends, or family), to keep my anonymity and to safeguard my identity and personal information. Since September 9, I have registered for so many websites and specifically networking sites that have all asked for my personal information, including my age, birth place, a short bio about myself etc. I used to pride myself in the fact that if you googled my name, you would come up empty. I felt that I was being savvy and smart in my internet use choices. Now I am just another “hit” in a google search of endless internet data. Don’t mistake that I was not technologically adept before I entered the MET program. I was the one to forge forward in my classroom with the use of technology to enhance my students’ learning experience. And I was the one that people asked, in the mid-90s…how did you make that document? How did you format the final exam so effiiciently? But in the realm of the world wide web “out there” I am just dipping my toe into the pool and letting go of the side…that used to keep me safely out of the reach of the dangers lurking in the deep unknown of the internet.

5 Bev { 10.06.09 at 8:49 pm }

I think we have to be very careful about what we put out there. Unlike we humans who tend to forget, the internet doesn’t forget- I’m not sure if you heard this story on CBC
The CBC story began with an introduction to an individual who was denied access to the US from a Canadian border when the US border guard decided to “Google” his name. The border guard found an article that was published over 40 years prior. This article was a reflective piece by a young psychologist who was experimenting with LSD for “research” purposes. As a note, this doctor currently aids many addicts in overcoming their addictions. Due to the fact that the doctor did not lie or claim that the article was fiction, he is now restricted (for life) to enter into the States.

This was on SPARK a few weeks ago – here is the link http://www.cbc.ca./spark/ Sept. 23

6 Bev { 10.06.09 at 8:51 pm }

Wrong date Sept. 25

7 Sean McMinn { 10.07.09 at 7:11 am }

Interesting topic. I’m trying to imagine how I would have reacted 20 years ago if someone said that I would have to be careful of the digital footprints I leave behind, or whether I would mind using digital services in return for full access to my digital self (which is/n’t my self). Oh-oh: Snow Crash, anyone?
I like David’s analogy about growing up. And I think we are still in the naive stage. Many still believe that the internet builds a democratic and autonomous society, bringing everyone closer together. But I wonder: Does it not seem that people simply build more defined, smaller communities instead?
Yes, social media is all the buzz. Connecting is great; it’s often very beneficial. For example, tag clouds can give me access to a holistic community, and the knowledge it holds, for (kinda)free; but am I not still only one or two tags in that cloud? Am I even that? And yes: Where does all that money that’s been generated from my digital self walking that digital line go?
Because we are still in a novelty stage – or nearing the end of it – I think it’s difficult to assess how the markets will work, how ventures will be successful down the road, or how much technologies will change within a year (Twitter today, gone tomorrow). Being a part of the early podcasting community in 2005-6, it was very interesting hearing all the ideas of how this new medium could make a simple person at home rich. Sound familiar? Maybe we’ll just have to ride the Wave and see where it’ll take us. Meanwhile, I have a lot to learn.

8 Omar Ramroop { 10.07.09 at 12:20 pm }

As David mentioned, and others commented on, the path we are heading towards overlaps and intermingles many privacy issues that we all have. Many individuals, educators, and professionals, are not aware of the information that can be found simply by taking 15 minutes to search for personal data on the Internet.

As most developments have come and gone in the past, the social technological boom is still upon us but without strict regulations, rules, or restrictions on information or privacy issues.

As these technologies mature and even more personal information is put out on the Internet, regulations will follow. However, how difficult will it be to police or regulate the Internet? Cyberspace a huge world, and many other potential issues will arise with regulation. Must we hand over all of our personal information to a cyber “governing” body prior to us feeling “safe”? It will be most interesting.

– Omar

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